2008-04-10 - #8740-N69-200804270 - Northwestel Cable Inc. - TN 1/A - Amendment

2008-03-18 - #8740-N69-200804270 - Northwestel Cable Inc. - TN 1 - General Tariff - Competitive Local Exchange Carrier Tariff

2008-04-24 - Telecom Order CRTC 2008-113 Streamlined order
The Commission approves on an interim basis the following tariff applications:
Bell Aliant TNs 179 and 180; Bell Canada TNs 7122 and 7123; DERYtelecom inc. TNs 1 and 1A; Northwestel Cable Inc. TNs 1 and 1A; Rogers Cable Communications Inc. TNs 9 and 9A

2008-05-07 - Northwestel Cable Inc. (NCI)
Description:  Northwestel Cable is hereby withdrawing its TN 1A and will file an amended Tariff Notice replacing 1A to be submitted shortly.
Document: 902383.pdf - 50KB

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