2006-06-30 - #8740-T66-200608557 - TCI - TN 227 - General Tariff - 900 Service

2007-03-23 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-91 The Commission denies an application by TELUS Communications Company, to destandardize and withdraw its 900 service in Alberta and British Columbia. Reference: TN 227

2006-09-20 - Itel Interactive Media Inc.
Description:  We responded to the letter circulated by Telus on their proposed tariff changes to exit the 1-900 business. Our concern was there are no alternative providers to allow us to continue our service bureau business which is providing audiotext services via 1-900 billing.
671319.pdf - 55KB

2006-09-13 - TELUS Communications
Description: The Company is in receipt of comments from First Media Inc. ("First Media") dated August 29, 2006, with respect to the Company's Tariff Notice No. 227 ("TN 227") in which the Company proposes to destandardize and grandfather the Company's General Tariff Item 521 (CRTC 21462), 900 Service ("Item 521" or the "Service").
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2006-08-29 - First Media Inc.
Description: This further response is provided by First Media Inc. (hereinafter "First Media). First Media requests that the Commission permits it to make further comments to respond to the TCI Application to withdraw its 900 service, as new promises and possibilities pertaining to this Application began unfolding upon the receipt of the TCI's Reply Comments.
659721.doc - 62.5KB

2006-08-24 - TELUS Communications
Description: The Company is in receipt of comments from the following parties received on the dates indicated with respect to the Company's Tariff Notice No. 227 ("TN 227"):
657813.doc - 72KB

2006-08-14 - First Media Group Inc.
Description:  This response is provided by First Media Group Inc. (hereinafter "First Media).   First Media is a customer of TELUS and its 900 pay per call service, and is familiar with the 900 service landscape in Canada as a national content and service provider.
653741.doc - 68KB

2006-07-13 - Network Telephone Services Inc.
Description:  My letter is written on behalf of Network Telephone Service Inc. dba North American Telnet. Our company has been operating its pay-per-call business since 1988.
646722.pdf - 170KB

2006-07-05 - Itel Interactive Media Inc
Description: Itel Intractive Media Inc is a British Columbia based service bureau offering a 1-900 payment services to clients. Our service bureau was established in 1994.
643780.pdf - 81KB


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