2006-01-20- #8740-S9-200600636 - Shaw Cablesystems Ltd. - TN 8 - General Tariff - Third Party Internet Access (TPIA)

2006-12-21 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2006-77 Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw, and Videotron – Third‑party Internet access service rates. Reference: 8740‑C6‑200606436, 8740‑R31‑200600280, 8740‑S9‑200600636, 8740‑V3‑200606444, 8638‑C12‑200405755.

2006-03-20 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-55 The Commission approves on an interim basis, with amendments, an application by Shaw Cablesystems G.P., under Tariff Notice 8, dated 20 January 2006, in order to modify item 103, Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) service, to revise rates for its TPIA services. Reference: 8740-S9-200600636.

Reference only : 8638-C12-200405755 - 8622-C51-03/02

2006-11-07 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: Quebecor Media Inc., on behalf of its subsidiary Videotron, is providing herein a revision to interrogatory response Videotron(CRTC)7April2006-13, originally submitted on 24 May 2006 as part of the above-noted proceeding.   This revision is intended to correct a recently discovered error in the original filing.
Document: 687076.zip - 28KB

2006-09-13 - Télécommunications Xittel inc.
Description: Conformément aux procédures du personnel du Conseil établies dans sa dernière lettre datée du 21 juin 2006, Télécommunications Xittel inc. (Xittel) vous fait part de ses répliques.
Document: 665412.doc - 278KB

2006-09-13 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the Commission's letter of 21 June 2006 , QMI, on behalf of its subsidiary Videotron Ltd., is pleased to provide the enclosed reply comments in the above-mentioned proceeding.
Document: 665364.zip - 38KB

2006-09-13 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description:  Cybersurf Corp. (Cybersurf) is providing these reply comments with respect to the above-cited proceedings in accordance with the direction contained in the Commission's letter dated 21 June 2006.
Document: 665187.zip - 62KB

2006-09-13 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) is in receipt of comments from Cybersurf Corp., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Cablesystems Inc. and Telecommunications Xittel, all of which were dated 30 August 2006.
Document: 665182.doc - 82KB

2006-09-13 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Pursuant the Commission's directives with regard to the above subject enunciated in the 9 June 2006 letter, modified in the 21 June 2006 letter, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) submits the following reply comments.
Document: 665178.doc - 276KB

2006-09-13 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the process outlined in the Commission staff letter dated 21 June 2006, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) hereby submits its reply to the August 30, 2006 comments received from Cybersurf Corp. (Cybersurf), Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) and Telecommunications Xittel Inc. (Xittel) regarding the above referenced proceeding.
Document: 665173.pdf - 118KB

2006-09-13 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description: In accordance with the procedures established by the Commission in its March 31, 2006 letter (as modified on June 21, 2006), Shaw Cablesystems G.P. ("Shaw")   provides the following reply comments regarding Shaw TN 8 and the supporting TPIA Economic Evaluation.   Shaw has received comments filed by Cybersurf Corp. ("Cybersurf"), Primus Telecommunications Inc. (Primus) and Xittel.
Document: 665162.doc - 136KB

2006-08-30 - Rogers Comunications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the process outlined in the Commission staff letter dated 21 June 2006, Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) hereby submits its comments in this proceeding.
Document: 660908.pdf - 65KB

2006-08-30 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description: In accordance with the procedures established by the Commission in its March 31, 2006 letter (as modified on June 21, 2006), Shaw Cablesystems G.P. ("Shaw") provides the following comments regarding Shaw TN 8 and the supporting TPIA Economic Evaluation.
Document:  659756.doc - 83KB

2006-08-30 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: Cybersurf Corp. (Cybersurf) is providing these comments with respect to the above-cited proceedings in accordance with the direction contained in the Commission's letter dated 21 June 2006.
Document: 659767.zip - 164KB

2006-08-30 - Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in its letter, dated 16 May 2006, as modified by the Commission's letter dated 21 June 2006, Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. (Primus) hereby submits its comments in this proceeding.
Docoment: 659771.doc - 108KB

2006-08-30 - Télécommunications Xittel
Description: Conformément aux procédures du personnel du Conseil établies dans sa dernière lettre datée du 21 juin 2006, Télécommunications Xittel vous fait part de ses commentaires qui visent à ce que le Conseil rejette la proposition des entreprises de câblodistribution de maintenir des frais d'usage excédentaire qui ne sont pas fondés sur des coûts réels et qui ont pour but ultime de restreindre la capacité des FSI de concurrencer.
Document: 659772.doc - 289KB

2006-08-14 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission for this proceeding in its June 21, 2006 letter, Rogers Communications Inc. ("Rogers") is filing herewith through e-pass its responses to the interrogatories it received from the CRTC on June 9, 2006.
Document: 654732.zip - 260KB

2006-08-14 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: In accordance with the Commission's directive with regard to the above subject enunciated in the 9 June 2006 letter, modified in the 21 June 2006 letter, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is filing the attached responses to the Commission's interrogatories.
Document: 654438.zip - 196KB

2006-08-14 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the Commission's letter of 21 June 2006, Quebecor Media Inc. is pleased to provide the enclosed interrogatory responses on behalf of our wholly-owned subsidiary Videotron Ltd.
Document: 654500.zip - 187KB

2006-08-14 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description: In Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8, the Commission directed Shaw Cablesystems G.P. ("Shaw") to file responses to interrogatories by May 24, 2006.   On June 9, 2006, the Commission directed Shaw to file responses to a second round of interrogatories by June 28, 2006.   The Commission subsequently granted an extension of the filing date to August 14, 2006.
Document: 654288.zip - 229KB

2006-06-21 -Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy document"
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access (TPIA) services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidéotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Requests for an extension of time to respond to the second round of interrogatories

2006-06-20 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description:  Cybersurf Corp. ("Cybersurf") is in receipt of a request by Shaw for an extension of the date on which it must respond to the second round of interrogatories posed by the Commision from 28 June 2006 to 19 July 2006.
Document: 637248.doc - 54KB

2006-06-20 - Xit Telecom Inc.
Description:  Xit Telecom Inc. and Xittel Telecommunications Inc. are in full support of the Cybersurf position.
Document: 637165.doc - 25KB

2006-06-16 - Quebecor Media
Description: QMI is in receipt of a letter dated 14 June 2006 , wherein Shaw requests an extension from 28 June 2006 to 19 July 2006 of the time to respond to the second round of interrogatories in the above-mentioned proceeding.
Document: 636326.doc - 49KB

2006-06-16 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Inc. ( Cogeco ) is in receipt of the June 14, 2006 letter of Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) in which Shaw requests an extension to July 19, 2006 to the timeline for responding to the second round of the Commission's interrogatories.
Document: 636321.doc - 128KB

2006-06-16 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:  Rogers Communications Inc. (Rogers) is in receipt of the June 14 th , 2006 letter of Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) in which Shaw requests an extension to July 19, 2006 to the timeline for responding to the second round of the Commission's interrogatories.
Document: 636302.doc - 523KB

2006-06-14 - Shaw Telecom Inc.
Description: Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is in receipt of a letter from the Commission, dated 9 June 2006, addressing a series of additional interrogatories regarding TN 8 and the TPIA cost studies filed by Shaw in August 2004 / January 2006.
Document: 636244.doc - 33KB

2006-06-09 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Cogeco Cable Inc. - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidédotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Interrogatories

2006-06-09 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Shaw Communications Inc. - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidédotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Interrogatories

2006-06-09 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Communications Inc. - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidédotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Interrogatories

2006-06-09 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Vidéotron Télécom ltée - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidédotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Interrogatories

2006-06-09 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidédotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8)

2006-05-29 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Rogers Communications is filing herewith its complete response to Rogers(CRTC)7April06-17.
Document: 630377.zip - 60KB

2005-05-24 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: In accordance with the Commission’s directive with regard to the above subject enunciated in the 7 April 2006 letter, modified in the 16 May 2006 letter, Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is filing the attached responses to the Commission’s interrogatories.
Document: 628335.zip - 697KB

2006-05-24 - Quebecor Media Inc.
Description: In accordance with the procedures established in the Commission’s letter of 31 March 2006, as amended by the Commission’s letter of 16 May 2006, Quebecor Media Inc. is pleased to provide the enclosed interrogatory responses on behalf of our wholly-owned subsidiary Videotron Ltd.
Document: 628200.zip - 242KB

2006-05-24 - Shaw Cablesystems Inc.
Description: In Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8, the Commission directed Shaw Cablesystems GP ("Shaw") to file responses to interrogatories by May 17, 2006. By way of letter dated May 16, 2005, the Commission granted an extension of the filing date to May 24, 2006.
628090.zip - 1,045KB

2006-05-24 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the process established by the Commission for this proceeding, Rogers Communications Inc. is filing herewith its responses to the interrogatories it received from the CRTC on April 7, 2006.
Document: 628038.zip - 412KB

2006-05-16 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access (TPIA) services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw, and Vidéotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) – Requests for an extension of time to respond to the first round of interrogatories

2006-05-15 - Shaw Communications Inc.
Description: Shaw Communications Inc. (Shaw) is in receipt of a letter from Quebecor Media Inc. (QMI) dated May 12, 2006, and letters from Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) and Rogers Communications Inc. (RCI), each dated May 15, 2006, requesting and/or supporting requests for an extension to the deadline to file responses to interrogatories in respect of the above noted proceeding:
Document: 625542.doc - 31KB

2006-05-15 - Rogers Communications Inc.
Description:Rogers Communications Inc. is in receipt of the May 12, 2006 letter of Quebecor Media Inc. in which QMI requests an extension to May 22, 2006 to the timeline for responding to the first rouind of the Commission's interrogatories.
Document: 625526.pdf - 52KB

2006-05-15 - Cogeco Cable Inc.
Description: Cogeco Cable Inc. (Cogeco) is in receipt of the May 12, 2006 letter of Quebecor Media inc. (QMI) in which QMI requests an extension to May 22, 2006 to the timeline for responding to the first round of the Commission’s interrogatories.
Document: 625514.doc - 126KB

2006-05-12 - Quebecor Media
Description:  In a letter dated 7April 2006, the Commission addressed a series of detailed interrogatories to Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Videotron regarding the TPIA cost studies filed by these companies in August 2004.
Document: 625502.doc - 40KB

2006-04-07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8740-S9-200600636 - Ref #: 8638-C12-200405755
Description: Letter addressed to Cogeco Cable Inc. - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidéotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Interrogatories

2006-04-07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8740-S9-200600636 - Ref #: 8638-C12-200405755
Description: Letter addressed to Vidéotron Télécom Ltée - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidéotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Interrogatories

2006-04-07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8740-S9-200600636 - Ref #: 8638-C12-200405755
Description: Letter addressed to Shaw Communications Inc. - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidéotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Interrogatories

2006-04-07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8740-S9-200600636 - Ref #: 8638-C12-200405755
Description: Letter addressed to Rogers Communications Inc. - Re: Proceeding to consider third party internet access services of Cogeco, Rogers, Shaw and Vidéotron (Follow-up to Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-28 and Shaw TN 8) - Interrogatories

2006-03-31 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document" File #: 8740-S9-200600636 - 8638-C12-200405755
Description: Letter addressed to Interested Parties to PN 98-14 - Re: IMCAIP against certain incumbent cable and telephone carriers - Provision of higher speed access and retail Internet servcies including Lite servcie Telecom Decision 2004-28, 5 May 2004 and Shaw Cablesystem G.P. (Shaw) Tariff Notice 8 - Proceeding

2006-03-31 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Interested Parties and Shaw Cablesystems G.P. - Re: Shaw TN 8 for Third Party Internet Access (TPIA) service - Requests for disclosure of confidential information and for interrogatory process

2006-03-03 - Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
Description: Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (“Shaw”) is in receipt of comments filed by Cybersurf Corp. and the Quebec Coalition of Internet Service Providers regarding Shaw’s TN 8 for TPIA Transport rates and the supporting Economic Evaluation.
Document: 598758.doc - 119KB

2006-03-02 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: A letter dated February 28, 2006 filed by Cablesystems G.P. with the Commission and posted on the Commission's website in connection with the above-cited Tariff Notice has just come to the attention of Cybersurf Corp.
Document: 598250.pdf - 62KB

2006-03-02 - Vianet Internet Solutions
Descripton: It has come to the attention of Vianet Internet Solutions that Shaw Cablesystems G.P. filed Tariff Notice No. 8 on January 20, 2006.
Document: 598236.pdf - 22KB

2006-02-28 - Shaw Cablesystems Inc.
Description: Shaw is in receipt of additional intervention comments filed by Cybersurf Corp. and QCISP on February 20, 2006.
Document: 596539.doc - 27KB

2006-02-20 - Quebec Coalition of Internet Service Providers (QCISP)
Description: The Quebec Coalition of Internet Service Providers (QCISP) hereby provides its comments on Shaw TN8.
Document: 593835.doc - 1,411KB

2006-02-20 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: This constitutes an intervention by Cybersurf Corp. with respect to Shaw Cablesystems G.P. Tariff Notice No. 8.
593739.pdf - 129KB

2006-02-02 - The Quebec Coalition of Internet Service Providers (QCISP)
Description: The Quebec Coalition of Internet Service Providers (QCISP) is in receipt of anintervention dated January 27th 2005 by Cybersurf on the record of Shaw TN8.
Document: 587334.doc - 984KB

2006-01-27 - Cybersurf Corp.
Description: It has come to the attention of Cybersurf Corp. this week that Shaw Cablesystems G.P. filed Tariff Notice No. 8 on January 20, 2006. Although Cybersurf intends to respond more fully to the Tariff Notice within the normal thirty (30) day timeframe for interventions in tariff proceedings, Cybersurf is providing these early comments at this time in support of a request for limited relief on an expedited basis.
Document: 585171.pdf - 103KB

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