2005-11-29 - #8740-B7-200514134 - Bruce Municipal Telephone System - TN 114 - General Tariff - Local calling area expansion and housekeeping

2006-04-28 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-100 The Commission approves applications filed by Bruce Telecom and Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited (HuronTel) to expand the local calling area between the Tiverton exchanges and the Ripley exchange. Reference: Bruce Telecom TN 114 and HuronTel TN 26. Eff. date = 01.05.2006.

2006-04-05 - Bruce Telecom
Description:  In response to our telephone of April 3, 2006 where you asked if Bruce Telecom received any complaints about Tariff 114 - Local Calling Expansion.
611514.doc - 21KB

2006-02-13 - Commission Correspondence - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bruce Telecom - Re: Bruce Telecom TN 114 Application to expand the local calling area between Bruce Telecom and Huron Telecommunications Co-operative

2006-02-08 - Jim Morrison
Description: To whom it may concern I do not want to pay for a service I do not use. I believe that the proposed expansion by BMTS benefits less than ten percent of the users affected.
590005.doc - 20KB

2006-01-11 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bruce Telecom - Re: Bruce Telecom Tariff 114 - Local Calling Expansion betweent he Small Independent Lcoal Exchange Carriers of Bruce Telecom (of the Municipality of Kincardine) and Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Ltd. and housekeeping change

2006-01-10 - Bruce Telecom Telephone System
Description: This is further to your letters of December 8th and 13th, 2005 regarding the revision you requested to our billing insert for the above matter.
576193.doc - 256KB

2006-01-03 - Petition
Description: As a resident of Southampton I am expressing my support for Bruce Telecom's proposal to provide telephone service for Southampton.
579517.pdf - 72KB

2005-12-13 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bruce Telecom - Re: Bruce Telecom Tariff 114 - Local Calling Expansion between the Small Independent Local Exchange Carriers of Bruce Telecom (of the Municipality of Kincardine) and Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Ltd. and housekeeping change.

2005-12-08 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bruce Telecom - Re: Bruce Telecom Tariff Notice 114 - Local calling expansion between the Small Independent Local Exchange Carriers of Bruce Telecom (of the Municipality of Kincadine) and Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Ltd. and housekeeping change

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