2004-01-16 - #8740-E30-200417645 - Exatel Inc. - TN 05/A - Amendment to TN 05

2003-11-14 - #8740-E30-200417645 - Exatel Inc. - TN 05  - General Tarif - Interconnection with Local Exchange Carriers (LEC)

2004-03-08 - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-65 The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by ExaTEL Inc., dated 14 November 2003 and amended on 16 January 2004, to revise several General Tariff items. Reference: TNs 5 and 5A.

2004-02-12 - Bell Canada
Description: The following comments are submitted on behalf of Aliant, Bell Canada and MTS Communications Inc.
040212.doc - 315KB

Date Modified: 2004-03-26

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