2003/02/07 - #8740-T66-200300210 - TCI (or "The Company") - TN 80/A - Amendment to TN 80

2003/01/10 - #8740-T66-200300210 - TCI (or "The Company") - TN 80- General Tariff - Re-introduction of the Business Value Bundle (BVB) Service Charge Waiver Promotion

2004/11/04 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to TELUS Communications Inc. - Re: Tariff Notices 80 and 80A - Business Value Bundle Service Charge Waiver Promotion - Withdraw of TNs 80 and 80A is accepted

2004-10-25 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. hereby requests that the Commission approve the Company’s request to withdraw its tariff applications under Tariff Notice Numbers 78/A, 80/A and 88.
041025.doc - 97KB

2003/03/17 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  TELUS Communications Inc. is in receipt of a letter, dated March 7, 2003, from AT&T Canada Corp.
030317.doc - 62KB

2003/03/07 - AT&T Canada Corp. (on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company)
Description: AT&T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (collectively, AT&T Canada) is in receipt of TELUS Tariff Notice No. 78/A (TN 78/A) and TELUS Tariff Notice No. 80/A (TN 80/A). The following are AT&T Canada's comments.
030307.doc - 46KB

2003/02/06 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  TELUS Communications Inc. is in receipt of comments from Call-Net Enterprises Inc., dated January 27, 2003.
030206.doc - 58KB 

2003/01/27 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description:  Call-Net Enterprises Inc. is in receipt of the above noted tariff notice filed by TELUS and dated January 10, 2003 (TN80).
030127.doc - 29KB

Date Modified: 2004-11-08

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