2004/05/14 - #8740-T42-200318453 - TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) - TN 522/A - Amendment to TN 522
2003/12/10 - #8740-T42-200318453 - TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) - TN 522- General Tariff - Wireless Service Providers (WSP) - Network Access Service
2004/10/21 - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-351 The Commission approves applications by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 10 December 2003 and amended 14 May 2004, filed pursuant to Commission directives in Telecom Decision 2003-76, in order to allow wireless service providers (WSPs) to combine toll terminating traffic with local traffic on local trunks between the WSP's point of interconnection and TCI's local switches. Reference: Former TCI TNs 522 and 522A and TCBC TNs 4204 and 4204A. Eff. date = 22.11.04.
2004/10/22 - TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI)
Description: Approved Tariff Pages
041022.pdf - 181KB
2004/05/28 - Rogers Wireless Inc.
Description: WRI files the following comments to address Telus' revised tariff proposals.
040528.pdf - 151KB
2004/05/14 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TCI encloses herewith a revised Attachment 1 to each of the interrogatory responses noted above (the "revised Attachments").
040514.zip - 33KB
2004/04/29 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TELUS Communications Inc. submits herewith its responses to questions addressed to the Company in an attachment to the Commission's letter of April 19, 2004 regarding the above Tariff Notices.
040429.zip - 49KB
2004/04/19 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-T42-200318453 - 8740-T46-200318461
Description: Letter addressed to TELUS Communications Inc. - Re: Former TCI Tariff Notice No. 522 and TCBC Tariff Notice No. 4204 - Questions
2004/01/15 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: The following constitutes TCI's reply to RWI's Comments.
040115.doc - 68KB
2003/12/22 - Rogers Wireless Inc.
Description: Following are RWI's comments regarding TN 522 and TN 4204.
031222.doc - 51KB
Date Modified: 2004-12-08
- Date modified: