2003/03/26 - #8740-N51-200303868 - NorthernTel Limited Partnership - TN 191 -  General Tariff - Smart Touch Packages

2003/05/01 - Telecom Order CRTC 2003-171 - The Commission approves an application by NorthernTel Limited Partnership, dated 26 March 2003, in order to increase by $1 the monthly rates for each residential and business Smart Touch package. Reference: TN 191. Eff. date: 26.05.03

2003/07/15 - NorthernTel Limited Partnership
Description: This email will confirm that NorthernTel's subscribers are being billed the $1.00 increase effective May 26, 2003.
030715.htm - 1KB

Date Modified: 2004-02-25

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