2003/12/22 - #8740-B20-200318966 - Bell Canada (National Services Tariff) - TN 805 - National Services Tariff - Managed Utility Service - Customer Specific Arrangement

2004/05/03 - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-143 The Commission denies an application by Bell Canada, dated 22 December 2003, and amended on 4 February 2004, pursuant to Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-63, to introduce National Services Tariff Item 722.11 (CRTC 7400-E) for services provided under a Customer Specific Arrangement, Contract Number P1-86. Reference: TN 805 (National Services Tariff) (.pdf).

2004/02/04 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached for the Commission's information is a revision to the imputation test for the Customer Specific Arrangement (CSA) contract number P1 - 86 associated with Tariff Notice 805.
040204.doc - 57KB

2004/02/04 - Bell Canada
Description: In response to the Commission's letter of 22 January 2004, regarding the above subject, Bell Canada is submitting its responses to staff questions which are included in the Attachment to this letter.
040204.zip - 49KB

Date Modified: 2004-05-03

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