2003/09/29 - #8740-B20-200313503 - Bell Canada (National Services Tariff) - TN 796 - National Services Tariff - Customer Specific Arrangement

Application withdrawn - Commission Letter - 2005-05-06

2005-05-06 - Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-B20-200300906 - 8740-B20-200301078 - 8740-B20-200303488 - 8740-B20-200303298 - 8740-B20-200306846
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Request to withdraw contracts for Customer Specific Arrangements filed under Tariff Notice Nos.: 751, 754, 774, 780, 781, 769/769A, and 796

2004-10-07 - Bell Canada
Description: Request to withdraw Proposed Tariff Pages for certain Customer Specific Arrangements for which Tariffs are not required.
041007.zip - 35KB

Date Modified: 2005-05-18

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