2003-03-12 - #8740-B2-2003032280 - Bell Canada - TN 6733 - Special Facilities Tariff - P.B.X. and other Switching Systems, Equipment and Services

Reference: 8638-C12-80/02

2003-09-23 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-63  Review of Bell Canada's customer specific arrangements filed pursuant to Telecom Decision 2002 76. The Commission finds that the tariffs accompanying the customer specific arrangements (CSAs) filed by Bell Canada pursuant to the Commission's direction in Regulatory safeguards with respect to incumbent affiliates, bundling by Bell Canada and related matters, Telecom Decision CRTC 2002 76, do not meet the Commission's requirements in regard to the rates, terms and conditions that should be publicly available in the tariffs. The Commission sets out the criteria in regard to the level of detail that Bell Canada must provide in the tariffs accompanying CSAs and directs Bell Canada to resubmit the proposed tariffs for approval. Reference: TNs 751, 752, 754, 754A, 755, 755A, 756, 757, 758, 758A, 759, 760, 762, 762A, 764, 765, 767, 769, 769A, 770, 771, 772, 774, 780, 781, 786, 787, 788, 789, 6732, 6733, 6734, 6735, 6736, 6736A, 6740, 6740A and 8638-C12-80/02. (.pdf)

2004-11-25 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6733 - Special Facilities Tariff Item B86 - Withdraw of TN is accepted

2004-10-29 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada respectfully requests the withdrawal of Tariff Notice Nos. 6732 (TN 6732) and 6733 (TN 6733), which proposed changes to Special Facilities Tariff Item No. B86 (Item B86), a Customer Specific Arrangement associated with Contract P2 – 5, MOU #1 and MOU #2.
041029.doc - 60KB

2003-11-28 - Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-B20-200311572 - 8740-B2-200303280 - 8740-B2-200303272
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Subject: Customer Specific Arrangements - Tariff Notices 786, 6732, 6733

2003-04-17 - Bell Canada
Description:  As requested, attached are copies of the Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) associated with the above mentioned Tariff Notices.
030417.doc - 63KB

Date Modified: 2004-11-29

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