2003/06/20 - #8740-A53-200307670 - Aliant Telecom Inc. - TN 94 - General Tariff - Central Office Floor Space Information

2003/12/18 - Telecom Order CRTC 2003-514  The Commission denies Aliant Telecom Inc.'s application to charge for the provision of Central Office floor space information. The Commission directed the incumbent local exchange carriers to make this information publicly available in Order CRTC 2001-780 for the benefit of competitors and other interconnecting carriers. Reference: TN 94. (.pdf)

2003/08/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Aliant Telecom Inc. - Re: Aliant Telecom Inc. TN0094 - Central Office Floor Space - Schedule

2003/08/07 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc. is in receipt of a 2003/07/22 letter by LondonConnect Inc. and Allstream Corp. requesting the Commission deny Aliant TN 94.
030807.doc - 93KB

2003/07/22 - LondonConnect Inc. and Allstream Corp.
Description: LondonConnect Inc. on behalf of itself and Allstream Corp. has reviewed Aliant Telecom's proposal to charge competitors for information pertaining to Central Office building information.
030722.doc - 23KB

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