2002/02/01 - #8740-E17-0008/02 - EastLink Telephone - TN 08 - General Tariff - Competitive Local Exchange Carrier 

2002/04/18 - Telecom Order CRTC 2002-165  The Commission approves on an interim basis, with the changes noted in the order, EastLink's amendments to its General Tariff filed on 1 February 2002, in order to adopt the format of the Commission's model tariff for competitive local exchange carriers, and to add provisions to offer interconnection services in the New Brunswick serving territory. Reference: TN 8.

2002/05/29 - EastLink Telephone
Description:  Please find enclosed the final version of EastLink's General Tariff approved on April 10, 2002 pursuant to Telecom Order CRTC
020529.zip - 240KB

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