2001/11/30 - #: 8740-S22-0023/01 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc. (Sasktel) - TN 23  - General Tariff - Provincial Enhanced 9-1-1 Service

2003/03/26 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2003-20 - The Commission approves revisions to Saskatchewan Telecommunications' (SaskTel's) tariff for Provincial Enhanced 9-1-1 Service. The Commission also approves, with modifications, SaskTel's standard 9-1-1 agreement and standard agreement for the provision of manual access to the Automatic Location Identification database. Reference: TN 23, 8340-S22-0831/00 and 8340-S22-0831/01.

2002/03/22 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to SaskTel - Re: SaskTel Tariff Notice 023. The Company is requested to provide responses to the questions by 
22 April 2002.

2002/04/23 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description: In response to the Commission letter of 22 March 2002, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) hereby provides responses to interrogatories.  
020423.zip - 68KB

2002/01/22 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel") is in receipt of additional comments from Microcell Telecommunications Inc.. This letter is in response to those additional comments submitted by Microcell.
020122.doc  - 48KB

2002/01/04 - Microcell Telecommunications Inc.
Description: Microcell is in receipt of reply comments from SaskTel dated December 27, 2001 regarding TN 23.
020104.doc - 29KB

2001/12/27 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel") is in receipt of comments from Microcell Telecommunications Inc. ("Microcell"), dated and received December 6, 2001, and Rogers Wireless Inc. ("Rogers"), dated and received December 18, 2001 regarding SaskTel's Tariff Notice 23 ("TN 23"). This letter is in response to those comments.
011227.doc - 56KB

2001/12/18 - Rogers Wireless Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Rogers Wireless Inc. ("RWI") is in receipt of the abridged version of SaskTel's Tariff Notice No. 23 ("TN 23") in which SaskTel proposes changes to General Tariff Item 140-05, "Provincial Enhanced 9-1-1 Service."

2001/12/06 - Microcell Telecommunications Inc. - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  The following are the comments of Microcell regarding TN 23 within which SaskTel proposes modifications to the SaskTel 9-1-1 Tariff to align it with certain Commission directives, most notably those contained in Telecom Decision CRTC 99-17 ("Decision 99-17") and Other CRTC 2000-630 ("Order 2000-630").

2001/10/30 - Rogers Wireless Inc.
Description: Rogers Wireless Inc. ("RWI") is in receipt of the abridged version of SaskTel's Tariff Notice No. 23 ("TN 23") in which SaskTel proposes changes to General Tariff Item 140-05, "Provincial Enhanced 9-1-1 Service".
011218.doc - 39KB

Date Modified: 2003-03-26

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