2002/03/04 - #8740-N5-862/01 - The New Brunswick Telephone Company, Limited (NBTel) - TN 862/A - Amendment to TN 862

2001/06/29 - #8740-N5-862/01 - The New Brunswick Telephone Company, Limited (NBTel) - TN 862 - General Tariff - Payment Time Limits

See reference: 8638-C12-75/02

2002/05/16 - Telecom Order CRTC 2002-201 Aliant Telecom Inc. submitted an application dated 27 February 2002 to move its four regional Late Payment Charge tariffs to the Aliant Telecom General Tariff. Reference: Aliant Telecom TN 10; Island Tel TNs  555 and 555A, MTT TNs  801 and 801A, NBTel TNs 862 and 862A, and NewTel TNs  657 and 657A.

2002/02/12 - Telecom Decision CRTC 2002-9 - CRTC directs Aliant Telecom Inc. to submit individual-company price cap summaries in tariff notices. Reference: NewTel TN 657, and NBTel TNs 862 and 865.

2001/11/29 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: The attached is provided in response to the interrogatories contained in the Commission's letter dated 07 November 2001.
011129.doc - 23KB

2001/11/07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-A45-0039/01 - 8740-M1-0801/01 - 8740-J1-0555/01 - 8740-N5-0862/01 - 8740-N2-0657/01
Description: Letter addressed to Aliant Telecom Inc. - Re: APTC Tariff Notice No. 39; MTT Tariff Notice No. 801; Island Tel Tariff Notice No. 555; NBTel Tariff Notice No. 862; NewTel Tariff Notice No. 657

Date Modified: 2002-07-09

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