2001/10/18 - #: 8740-B2-6622/01 - Bell Canada - TN 6622 - General Tariff - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service reflecting revised rates


2001/12/21 - Telecom Order CRTCeng/archive/2001/o2001-914.htm">2001-914 The Commission approves, on an interim basis, Bell Canada's request to reduce the rates for asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) access service in order to move the prices closer to the costs incurred for the provision of the service. Reference: TN 6622.

2007-06-22 -eng/archive/2007/lt070622d.htm">Commission Letter
File #:PartVII/eng/2006/8661/y1_200614520.htm">8661-Y1-200614520 -8740/eng/2007/t42.htm#a200701872">8740-T42-200701872 -8740/eng/2007/t46.htm#a200701880">8740-T46-200701880 -8740/eng/2007/t42.htm#a200701856">8740-T42-200701856 -8740/eng/2007/t46.htm#a200701864">8740-T46-200701864 -8740/eng/2006/b2_6995.htm">8740-B2-200613514 -8740/eng/2006/a53_213.htm">8740-A53-200613423 -8740/eng/2006/b54_49.htm">8740-B54-200613499 -8740/eng/2006/t42_576.htm">8740-T42-200613639 -8740/eng/2006/t46_4261.htm">8740-T46-200613647 -8740/eng/2006/m59_605.htm">8740-M59-200613811 -8740/eng/2006/S22_126.htm">8740-S22-200613613 - 8740-B2-6622/01 -8740/eng/2002/t66-72.htm">8740-T66-0072/02 -8740/eng/2003/a53-100.htm">8740-A53-200309329 -8740/eng/2007/m59_616.htm">8740-M59-200702904 -8740/eng/2007/m59_617.htm">8740-M59-200702937 -8740/eng/2007/m59_622.htm">8740-M59-200706517 -8740/eng/2007/m59_621.htm">8740-M59-200705113 -8740/eng/2007/m59_623.htm">8740-M59-200706525 -8740/eng/2006/a53_193.htm">8740-A53-200602007 -8740/eng/2006/b2_7005.htm">8740-B2-200616683 -8740/eng/2005/t78_319.htm">8740-T78-200506280 -8740/eng/2007/s9_9.htm">8740-S9-200702375 -8740/eng/2007/v3_15.htm">8740-V3-200704306 -8740/eng/2006/p45_3.htm">8740-P45-200609125 -PartVII/eng/2006/8622/r2_200614174.htm">8622-R2-200614174 -PartVII/eng/2006/8661/b2_200602781.htm">8661-B2-200602781 -PartVII/eng/2006/8661/b2_200602401.htm">8661-B2-200602401
Description:  Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Approach to the handling of certain competitor services applications

2005-04-18 - Amos Hayes
Description: Hello. I am a Bell residential ADSL customer and I would like to see the service placed in the Category I basket (per Bell Canada - TN 6622 - General Tariff - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service reflecting revised rates).
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/050418.rtf">050418.rtf - 2KB

2005-03-29 - Eric Putrycz
Description: I followed IStop case with Bell and I support their position.
DSL is an essential service and wholesale DSL services in the TN6622 should be in category I rates.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/050329.rtf">050329.rtf - 1KB

2005-03-25 - Andrew Pakuts
Description: Please place commercial ADSL into the Catagory 1 basket.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/050325_1.rtf">050325_1.rtf - 1KB

2005-03-25 - Jocelyn Doire
Description: as a customer of istop.com, I've followed with interest the efforts made by istop.com to improve its services and to lower its cost. I have seen also some of the struggles that istop.com had with Bell.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/050325.rtf">050325.rtf - 2KB

2005-03-24 - Reid Ellis
Description: I am a customer of istop.com and would prefer that 3Mbps ADSL service be placed in the Category I basket because I have been led to believe by istop.com (particularly its web page at http://www.istop.com/news.html ) that this will lead to lower rates.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/050324_2.rtf">050324_2.rtf - 1KB

2005-03-24 - David Salib
Description:  I feel all wholesale DSL services in the TN6622 should be priced at category I rates.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/050324_1.rtf">050324_1.rtf - 1KB

2005-03-24 - Ian Brisson
Description:  I believe that residential ADSL service should be placed in the Category I basket.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/050324.rtf">050324.rtf - 1KB

2005-03-23 - Aldo
Description:  I believe that your ruling in favor of Bell against iStop and others is against both the market & the consumers best interest.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/050323.rtf">050323.rtf - 5KB

2004-12-08 - IStop.com
Description: The comments of IStop.com regarding TN 6767D and TN6622 are attached.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/041208.doc">041208.doc - 10KB

2004-11-26 - Xit telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to Part II of the Telecommunications Rules of Procedure, Xit telecom inc. on behalf of itself as well as on behalf of Xittel telecommunications inc. (Xit telecom) is providing the following comments.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/041126.doc">041126.doc - 127KB

2004/01/22 - Ralph Doncaster
Description: To further support our comments of 2003/12/16 we have attached a notice sent by Bell Carrier Services regarding speed upgrades for wholesale ADSL service.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/040122.zip">040122.zip - 6KB

2003/12/16 - Ralph Doncaster
Description: IStop.com would like to reiterate our comments of 2003/09/22 suggesting that TN6767 be discarded and wholesale ADSL should be based on an updated version of TN6622.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/031216.htm">031216.htm - 2KB

2003/11/07 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission letter of 17 October 2003, Bell Canada (or the Company) is filing the following reply to comments received regarding its 19 September 2003 proposal to withdraw portions of General Tariff (GT) Item 5400.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/031107.zip">031107.zip - 206KB

2003/11/03 -eng/archive/2003/lt031103.htm">Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-B2-6622/01 -8740/eng/2003/b2-6767.htm">28740-B2-200310392
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Subject: Tariff Notice No. 6622 (TN 6622) - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service and Tariff Notice No. 6767 (TN 6767) - Gateway Access Service (GAS) and High Speed Access (HAS)

2003/10/29 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter of 17 October 2003 regarding the above subject matter, Bell Canada was requested to file Reply Comments by 29 October 2003 in response to Comments received from interested parties on 24 October 2003.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/031029.doc">031029.doc - 59KB

2003/10/24 - Managed Network Systems Inc.
Description: Managed Network Systems Inc. (MNSi) is in receipt of Bell Canada's reply comments dated September 19th, 2003, and as a competitive provider of DSL services would like reply to some issues raised in its proposals.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/031024_2.doc">031024_2.doc - 36KB

2003/10/24 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) is in receipt of the Commission's letter dated 17 October 2003, inviting interested parties to file comments on Bell Canada's proposal to withdraw certain aspects of the tariff notices noted above.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/031024_1.doc">031024_1.doc - 56KB

2003/10/23 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel") is filing revisions to the proposed tariff for the ADSL Access Service and the response to SaskTel(CRTC)9Jan03-4 ADSL, both of which were previously filed with the Commission on 2003 07 25.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/031023.zip">031023.zip - 198KB

2003/10/17 -eng/archive/2003/lt031017.htm">Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-B2-6622/01 -8740/eng/2003/b2-6767.htm">8740-B2-200310392
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Subject: Tariff Notice No. 6622 (TN 6622) - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service and Tariff Notice No. 6767 (TN 6767) - Gateway Access Service (GAS) and High Speed Access (HAS)

2003/10/14 - Alltream
Description: Allstream Corp. (Allstream) is in receipt of reply comments from Bell Canada dated 19 September 2003 in relation to the above-referenced tariff applications for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) access service (TNs 6622 and 6767).
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/031014.doc">031014.doc - 304KB

2003/09/25 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) is in receipt of Reply comments filed by Bell Canada in respect of the above noted Tariff Notice and dated September 19, 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030925.doc">030925.doc - 36KB

2003/09/22 - Ralph Doncaster
Description: IStop.com would like to address Bell's Sept 19 reply comments on TN6622 and TN6767.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/030922.txt">030922.txt - 9KB

2003/09/19 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission on 20 June 2003 (as amended on 23 July 2003 and 20 August 2003 regarding TN 6622 and 10 July 2003 regarding GAS and HSA, attached are Bell Canada's reply comments in the above matter.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/030919.zip">030919.zip - 104KB

2003/09/17 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: MTS regrets that it is unable to provide revised ADSL Access Service interrogatory responses and draft tariff today.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030917.doc">030917.doc - 191KB

2003/09/08 - Allstream
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission on 20 June 2003 as amended by letters dated 23 July 2003 and 20 August 2003 Allstream Corp. (Allstream) provides the following Reply Comments.
public/8740/2002/t66/tn72/030908.zip">030908.zip - 57KB

2003/09/08 - François Ménard
Description: Reply comments on Interim Rate Regime and intervention following Part II of the rules of procedure in Bell Canada TN 6767, 6622 and TCI TN 72/C.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030908.doc">030908.doc - 105KB

2003/08/29 - François Ménard
Description: Bell Canada TN 6622 Interim Rate Regime.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030829.htm">030829.htm - 2KB

2003/08/28 - Allstream
Description: Further to its submission of 26 August 2003, Allstream hereby files a revision to Attachment 3.
public/8740/2003/b2/6767/030828.zip">030828.zip - 101KB

2003/08/25 - Allstream Corporation
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission on 20 June 2003 as amended on 23 July 2003 and 20 August 2003, Allstream Corp. provides the attached comments.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030825_1.zip">030825_1.zip - 217KB

2003/08/25 - François Ménard
Description: Following the Commission Procedure Letter dated July 23rd 2003, the following comments are being provided regarding the Interim Rate Regime which the Commission would like to set in place until such time as all issues related to Bell Canada TN 6622, 6767 and Telus TN 72C.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030825.zip">030825.zip - 225KB

2003/08/25 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. submits these comments to the procedure established in the Commission's letter dated 20 June 2003 (as revised by letters dated 21 August 2003).
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030825_1.doc">030825_1.doc - 42KB

2003/08/25 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: In regard to the Interrogatory Responses for ADSL Access Service, MTS Communications Inc. advised the Commission that it would file its ADSL Access Service Tariff and revised responses on August 26, 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030825.doc">030825.doc - 192KB

2003/08/25 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #:8740/eng/2002/t66-72.htm">8740-T66-0072/02, 8740-B2-6622/01
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service; TELUS Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 72C - ADSL Access Service Interrogatory Responses; Aliant Telecom Inc. - (ADSL) Access Service;MTS Communications Inc. - (ADSL) Access Service; and Saskatchewan Telecommunications - (ADSL) Access Service - Schedule

2003/08/20 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to the Distribution List - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access - Commission staff agrees and grants the extension

2003/08/20 - All Stream Corporation
Description: In a 23 July 2003 letter a procedure was established for participants in the proceeding associated with TN 6622 to comment on Bell Canada's revised tariff pages reflecting the interim rate structure.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030820.doc">030820.doc - 246KB

2003/08/12 - MTS Communications
Description: MTS is in receipt of a letter from Allstream Corp. dated August 5, 2003, requesting public disclosure of information in certain interrogatories filed by MTS in the ADSL Access proceeding.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030812_2.zip">030812_2.zip - 222KB

2003/08/12 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada notes that a typographic error has been identified on page 3 of 11 to Bell(CRTC)9Jan03-18 TN 6622 Confidential, Revised Supplemental issued 11 August 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030812_1.zip">030812_1.zip - 57KB

2003/08/12 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's letter of 2003-05-16, Aliant Telecom Inc. submits the following responses for public disclosure and further information related to the interrogatory responses filed by the Company on 2003-06-06 and 2003-07-22.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030812.zip">030812.zip - 138KB

2003/08/11 - Bell Canada
Description: As indicated in Bell Canada's letter of 21 July 2003 regarding the above subject, the Company is providing the following revised interrogatory responses. Pursuant to section 39 of the Telecommunications Act, Bell Canada submits the following revised supplemental responses to interrogatories in confidence to the Commission for the reasons set out therein.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030811.zip">030811.zip - 93KB

2003/08/08 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by Commission letter dated 16 May 2003, Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) submits the following responses to requests for public disclosure and further information related to the interrogatory responses.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030808.zip">030808.zip - 30KB

2003/08/05 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream Corp. is in receipt of interrogatory responses filed by Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Communications and Saskatchewan Telecommunications regarding ADSL Access Service.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030805.doc">030805.doc - 279KB

2003/07/25 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel") provides herewith a revised proposed tariff for the ADSL Access Service, incorporating the proposed rates, and reponses to the following interrogatories.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030725.zip">030725.zip - 826KB

2003/07/23 -eng/archive/2003/lt030723.htm">Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access - Request for extension

2003/07/23 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: MTS has determined that, during the development of the proposed tariff for ADSL Access Service, the following interrogatory responses originally submitted on June 18, 2003, will require revising.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030723.DOC">030723.doc - 808KB

2003/07/22 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's directions on procedure dated 2003/05/16, Aliant Telecom Inc. submits the attached responses to interrogatories.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030722.zip">030722.zip - 287KB

2003/07/21 - Bell Canada
Description: Attached are proposed tariff pages that illustrate the modifications that would be necessary to Bell Canada's General Tariff Item 5400, (ADSL) Access Service.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030721.zip">030721.zip - 103KB

2003/07/16 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc. is in receipt of comments submitted by Allstream Corp. dated 2003-07-09, concerning ADSL Access Service.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030716_1.doc">030716_1.doc - 82KB

2003/07/16 - Sasktel Communications Inc. ("Sasktel")
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by Commission staff letter dated 16 May 2003 regarding ADSL Access Service, Sasktel is submitting the following reply comments.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030716.doc">030716.doc - 60KB

2003/07/09 - Allstream Corp.
Description: on 27 July 2003 Allstream Corp. received comments from Aliant Telecom Inc, MTS Communications and SaskTel regarding the Commission's request.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030709.doc">030609.doc - 254KB

2003/07/08 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("Sasktel")
Description: Pursuant to the procedures established by Commission staff by letter dated 16 May 2003, Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("Sasktel") provides herewith a proposed tariff for the ADSL Access Service and responses to the following interrogatories on SaskTel by the Commission on 9 January 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030708.zip">030708.zip - 302KB

2003/07/07 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's 27 June 2003 letter of procedure, Bell Canada is filing the following interrogatory responses.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030707.zip">030707.zip - 48KB

2003/07/04 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: MTS wishes to advise the Commission that it will be unable to complete the responses to MTS(CRTC)9Jan03 - 18 ADSL and MTS(CRTC) 20March03-3011 CDNA by the due date of July 22, 2003.
Document:public/partvii/2002/8661/mts/030704.doc">030704.doc - 805KO

2003/06/27 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-B2-6622/01 -8740/eng/2002/t66-72.htm">8740-T66-0072/02
Description: Letter addressed to the Distribution List - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service and TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) Tariff Notice 72C - ADSL Access Service - Modification to the schedule

2003/06/27 - François Ménard
Description: Sasktel does not understand that the inference to the BRAND program is not about wholesale ADSL but about access to subloops at remotes.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030627_3.htm">030627_3.htm - 1KB

2003/06/27 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("Sasktel")
Descriptin: In accordance with the directions contained in Commission Staff's letter dated 16 May 2003, Sasktel submits the following comments with respect to Staff's preliminary opinion.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030627_2.doc">030627_2.doc - 77KB

2003/06/27 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the directions contained within the staff letter dated 16 May 2003, MTS is submitting the following comments with respect to Commission staff's preliminary opinion.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030627_1.doc">030627_1.doc - 205KB

2003/06/27 - Columbia Mountain Open Network Inc.
Description: Columbia Mountain Open network (CMON) has reviewed the CRTC letter of 16 May 2003 concerning ADSL Services in Canada.
public/8740/2002/t66/tn72/030627.doc">030627.doc - 74KB

2003/06/27 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Show cause related to Aliant (ADSL) Access Service
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030627.doc">030627.doc - 46KB

2003/06/26 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description: Call-Net Enterprises Inc. (Call-Net) is in receipt of the Commission's letter dated 20 June 2003 in the above-referenced proceeding which invites interested parties to comment on the possibility of establishing interim rates for the ADSL Access services.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030626.doc">030626.doc - 27KB

2003/06/25 - Allstream Corp.
Description: Allstream Corp. (Allstream) is in receipt of a letter from the Commission dated 20 June 2003 in the above-referenced proceeding which invites interested parties to comment on the possibility of establishing interim rates for the ADSL Access services.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030625.doc">030625.doc - 248KB

2003/06/24 - Ralph Doncaster
Description: I feel the proposed price increase for LA&S in tn6755 is unjustified.
public/8740/2003/b2/6755/030624.htm">030624.htm - 3KB

2003/06/20 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to the Distribution List - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service - Schedule

2003/06/20 - Bell Canada
Description: It has recently come to Bell Canada's attention that two errors were made in the filing of 13 June 2003 that affect Bell(CRTC)9Jan03-8 TN 6622 and Bell(CRTC)9Jan03-12 TN 6622.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030620.zip">030620.zip - 66KB

2003/06/18 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to the Commission's directions on procedure MTS Communications Inc. (MTS) submits the attached responses to its interrogatories in regards to  ADSL Access Service.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030618.zip">030618.zip - 230KB

2003/06/17 - Managed Network Systems, Inc.
Description: We have read with interest Bell Canada's response to Item A, sub item a), and note that Bell Canada has proposed that they no longer will recover the costs associated with the POTS splitter in conjunction with the ADSL Loop Administration, Loop Only product (i.e. HSSP co-located DSLAM).
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030617.doc">030617.doc - 25KB

2003/06/13 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's ruling of 11 June 2003, Bell Canada is filing the following supplemental response to an interrogatory.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030613.zip">030613.zip - 267KB

2003/06/11 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #:8740/eng/2002/t66-72.htm">8740-T66-0072/02 - 8740-B2-6622/01
Description:  Letter addressed to the Interested Parties to Bell Canada and TELUS Communications Inc - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 72C - ADSL Access Service - Proceeding

2003/06/09 - Managed Network Systems Inc.
Description: It has recently come to our attention that during the proceedings of TN6622, Bell Canada has proposed to modify one of the specifications of the proposed tariff, which was given interim approval on December 21st, 2001.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030609.tif">030609.tif - 82KB

2003/06/06 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's directions no procedure dated 2003 05 16, Aliant Telecom Inc.'s ("Aliant") submits the attached responses.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030606_1.zip">030606_1.zip - 1270KB

2003/06/06 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel")
Description: Saskatchewan Telecommunications ("SaskTel") provides herewith responses to interrogatories posed by François D. Ménard on 20 March 2003 as directed by the Commission in its letter of 16 May 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030606.zip">030606.zip - 151KB

2003/06/04 - Bell Canada
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures set out in the Commission's letter of 16 May 2003, Bell Canada submits the following responses to requests for public disclosure and further information related to the interrogatory responses filed by the Company on 16 May 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030604.doc">030604.doc - 88KB

2003/06/02 - Bell Canada
Description:  It has recently come to Bell Canada's attention that in its 16 May 2003 response to Bell (CRTC)9Jan03-12 TN 6622, the Company inadvertently included some extraneous information in the abridged machine-readable file copy of Attachment 1 of Bell(CRTC)9Jan03-12 TN 6622 in error.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030602.zip">030602.zip - 30KB

2003/05/27 - Francois D. Menard
Description:  TN6622 and TN72C: Alcatel unveils new 7301 DSLAM
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030527.htm">030527.htm - 16KB

2003/05/26 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description:  Call-Net Enterprises Inc. hereby submits the attached request for public disclosure of certain information filed in confidence and for further responses to certain interrogatory responses filed by Bell Canada and TELUS on May 16, 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030526_3.doc">030526_3.doc - 38KB

2003/05/26 - Futureway Communications Inc.
Description:  Pursuant to the procedures established by the Commission in its letter, dated 16 May 2003, Futureway hereby submits its requests for disclosure of certain information filed in confidence by Bell Canada.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030526_2.doc">030526_2.doc - 283KB

2003/05/26 - Francois D. Ménard
Description:  Following the Commission Procedure Letter dated May 16, 2003 in this file, the following requests for public disclosure and for further responses to Bell Canada TN6622 and TCI TN72 are being provided.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030526_1.doc">030526_1.doc - 327KB

2003/05/26 - AT&T Canada
Description:  AT&T makes the following requests for disclosure and further responses to the interrrogatory responses filed 16 May 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030526.doc">030526.doc - 112KB


2003/05/16 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #:8740/eng/2002/t66-72.htm">8740-T66-072/02 - 8740-B2-6622/01
Descrption:  Letter addressed to the Distribution List - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
(ADSL) Access Service; TELUS Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 72 -  ADSL Access Service Interrogatory Responses; Aliant Telecom Inc. - (ADSL) Access Service; MTS Communications Inc. - (ADSL) Access Service; and Saskatchewan Telecommunications - (ADSL) Access Service - Schedule

2003/05/16 - Bell Canada
Description:  Pursuant to the Commission's directions on procedure dated 21 March 2003, Bell Canada submits the attached responses to interrogatories.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030516.zip">030516.zip - 424KB

2003/05/05 - François D. Ménard
Description: The following comments are being provided to Futureway and Call-Net's request to set out procedures and the requests of Sasktel, MTS and Aliant for a second extension to the revised procedures.
Document:public/partvii/2001/8622/menard/030505.doc">030505.doc - 67KB

2003/04/29 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications on behalf of itself and Navigata Communications Inc.
Description:  To request extensions to the filing dates for the following.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030429_2.doc">030429_2.doc - 76KB

2003/04/29 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description:  MTS wishes to advise the Commission that it will be unable to meet the predetermined due dates for the filing of responses to certain interrogatories and costs in the three above proceedings.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030429_1.doc">030429_1.doc - 815KB

2003/04/29 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description:  Aliant wishes to advise the Commission that, for the reasons discussed below, it is unable to file some of its interrogatory responses on the predetermined due date.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030429.doc">030429.doc - 51KB

2003/04/17 - Call-Net Enterprises Inc.
Description:  Call-Net supports Futureway's request and respectively urges the Commission to set out the requested process immediately.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030417.doc">030417.doc - 29KB


2003/04/15 - Futureway Communications Inc.
Description:  Futureway requests that the Commission establish the following procedural steps for the remainder of this proceeding.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030415.doc">030415.doc - 327KB 

2003/03/21 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #:8740/eng/2002/t66-72.htm">8740-T66-72/02 - 8740-B2-6622/01
Description: Letter addressed to Parties to Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 6622 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 72C, Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Communications Inc., and Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 72C - ADSL Access Service - Interrogatory Responses

2003/03/20 - Francois D. Ménard
Description:  The following comments are being provided to MTS, Bell Canada and TCI's request for an extension.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030320.doc">030320.doc - 51KB

2003/03/19 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description:  TELUS supports the request by theses companies for an extension of time to file responses to the Commission interrogatories.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030319_1.doc">030319_1.doc - 37KB

2003/03/19 - Bell Canada
Description:  Bell Canada would request that the date for its response to the Commission's interrogatories be changed to 22 April 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030319.doc">030319.doc - 64KB

2003/03/17 - MTS Communications Inc.
Description:  MTS will be unable to adequately respond to the ADSL Proceeding interrogatories by the March 21 deadline established by the Commission.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030317.doc">030317.doc - 796KB

2003/03/14 - Aliant Telecom Inc.
Description:  Aliant also requests an extension to the deadline for the filing of responses to the Commission's interrogatories in the ADSL Proceeding and supports SaskTel's proposed date of 16 May 2003.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030314.doc">030314.doc - 100KB


2003/03/13 - François D. Ménard
Description: The following comments are being provided to Sasktel request for an 8 week extension and the previous request to Commission staff to make Telus Quebec and Telebec party to the present interrogatories.
Document:public/partvii/2001/8622/menard/030313.doc">030313.doc - 46KB

2003/03/11 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel)
Description:  This letter is being filed by SaskTel to request a change in the procedure because SaskTel is not able to complete the work necessary to respond to the 9 January 2003 interrogatories by 21 March 2003.
Document: public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030311.doc">030311.doc - 58KB

2003/02/27 - François D. Ménard
Description: The following comments are filed by Francois D. Ménard in respect of the follow-up proceedings.
Document:public/partvii/2002/8638/menard/030227.doc">030227.doc - 66KB

2003/02/21 - Managed Network Systems Inc.
Description:  As a user of the current GT 5400 services associated with TN6622, we would like to comment on its current implementation, and issues with it.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/030221.doc">030221.doc - 24KB

2003/01/09 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service - Interrogatories

2002/12/23  AT&T
Description:  AT&T Canada is in receipt of a letter from Bell Canada, dated 4 December 2002 and another letter from TELUS Communications Inc., dated 5 December 2002, each of which respond to a proposal made by AT&T Canada on 18 November 2002.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/021223_1.doc">021223_1.doc - 57KB

2002/12/23 - François D. Ménard
Description:  The following comments are being provided to Bell Canada's submission of December 4th, 2002 in the present proceeding.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/021223.doc">021223.doc - 35KB

2002/12/20 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-B2-6622/01 -8740/eng/2002/t66-72.htm">8740-T66-072/02
Description: Letter addressed to Parties to Bell Canada Tariff Notice (TN) 6622 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 72 (attached list), Aliant Telecom Inc., MTS Communications Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 and TELUS Communications Inc. TN 72 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service


2002/12/04 - Bell Canada
Description:  Bell Canada (or the Company) is in receipt of a 31 October 2002 Commission staff Note to Industry and a letter to the Commission from AT&T Canada Corp. (AT&T) dated 18 November 2002. The following is the Company's response.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/021204.doc">021204.doc - 64KB

2002/11/18 - AT&T Canada
Description:  AT&T Canada provides comments in connection with the Bell Canada Tariff No. 6622 and Telus Communications Inc. Tariff No. 72.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/021118.doc">021118.doc - 42KB

2002/07/29 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of a letter issued by Mr. François Ménard, dated 16 July 2002, with respect to the Company's Tariff Notice No. 6622.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/020729.doc">020729.doc - 64KB

2002/07/16 - Francois D. Menard
Description: Le 27 juin dernier, dans sa décision 2002-37, le Conseil rejeta la demande des MIACFI pour un redressement en vertu de la partie VII des Règles de procédure du CRTC en matière de télécommunications et de la Loi sur les télécommunications, relativement à l'examen des questions associées à la prestation de services Internet grande vitesse de lignes d'abonnés numériques (LAN) par des fournisseurs de services Internet (FSI) indépendants sur le territoire de Bell Canada. Cette lettre a pour but d'amener des précisions sur certaines conclusions du Conseil dans la décision 2002-37.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/020716.doc">020716.doc - 12KB


2002/03/22 - Bell Canada
In accordance with the Commission's letter of procedure dated 28 February 2002 regarding the above-referenced subject, Bell Canada (the Company) is filing its reply comments in response to final comments received from AT&T Canada Corp. issued on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (AT&T) on 8 March 2002 and received 11 March 2002 and from François Ménard issued 8 March 2002, received 11 March 2002 and re-issued with changes 15 March 2002.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/020322.doc">020322.doc - 85KB

2002/03/08 - François Menard
Description: Final comments concerning Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/020308_1.doc">020308_1.doc -  46KB

2002/03/08 - AT&T Canada
Description:  In accordance with the amended procedures outlined in the Commission's letter of 28 February 2002, AT&T Canada Corp. on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (collectively, AT&T Canada) submits the following comments.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/020308.doc">020308.doc - 43KB

2002/02/28 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Interested Parties (Attached List) - Re: Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - ADSL Access Service: Revised Schedule

2002/02/28 - François Menard
Description: Request for an extension of two weeks to prepare final comments on Bell Canada TN6622.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/020228.htm">020228.htm - 26.5KB

2002/02/15 - Bell Canada
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's ruling of 5 February 2002, Bell Canada is filing supplemental responses to interrogatories.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/020215_2.zip">020215.zip - 320KB


2002/01/14 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the Commission's letter of procedure dated 24 December 2001 regarding the above referenced subject, Bell Canada is filing its answers to requests for further response and disclosure of confidential information received from AT&T Canada Corp. and AT&T Canada Telecom Services (collectively, AT&T) and Mr. François Ménard, dated 21 December 2001 and 24 December 2001, respectively.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/020114.doc">020114.doc - 71 KB

2001/12/24 - Francois Menard
Description: Pursuant to the procedure letter dated December 7th 2001, I am hereby submitting the attached requests for further response to 17 December 2001 Bell(FMMO)23Nov01-100 to 167 TN 6622 filed by Bell Canada on 17 December 2001.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011224.doc">011224.doc - 124KB

2001/12/21 - AT&T Canada
Description: AT&T Canada Corp., on behalf of itself and AT&T Canada Telecom Services (collectively, AT&T Canada) hereby submits the attached request for further response to Bell(AT&T)23Nov01-1 TN 6622 filed by Bell Canada on 17 December 2001.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011221.doc">011221.doc - 119KB

2001/12/21 - Microcell Telecommunications Inc.
Description: Microcell Telecommunications Inc. ("Microcell") is in receipt of Bell's correspondence to the Commission dated December 20, 2001, entitled "Early January Filing Deadlines".
Document:public/partvii/2001/8661/Microcell/011221.doc">011221.doc - 23KB

2001/12/20 - Bell Canada
Description: In reviewing ongoing filing requirements, it has become apparent to the Company that it is faced with a number of filings in the week during which affected departments return to normal staffing levels following the holiday period.
Document:public/partvii/2001/8661/Bell/011220_3.doc">011220_3.doc - KB

2001/12/17 - Bell Canada
Description: In accordance with the Commission's letter of procedure dated 7 December 2001 regarding the above subject, Bell Canada is filing its responses to interrogatories.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011217.zip">011217.zip - 493KB


2001/12/07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #:  8740-B2-6622/01 -PartVII/eng/2001/8622/C51-02.htm">8622-C51-02/01
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: Revised Procedures related to Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Line (ADSL) Access Service

2001/12/04 - CAIP
Description: comments regarding Bell's request to delay it's response to interrogatories.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011204.doc">0111204.doc - 88KB

2001/11/30 - Bell Canada
Description: Having reviewed these interrogatories, many of which require detailed technical responses, the Company has determined that it will be unable to respond to these interrogatories within the prescribed two-week interval, which the Company notes is considerably shorter than would usually be allowed to respond to interrogatories of this volume or those requesting such comprehensive responses.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011130_1.doc">011130_1.doc - 56KB

2001/11/23 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-B2-6622/01 -PartVII/eng/2001/8622/C51-02.htm">8622-C51-02/01
Description: Letter addressed to Bell Canada - Re: Bell Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service - Further to the Commission's letter dated 15 November 2001

2001/11/23 - AT&T Canada
Description: Pursuant to the procedures set out by the Commission in its letter dated 15 November 2001, AT&T Canada Corp. and AT&T Canada Telecom Services Company (collectively, AT&T Canada) are addressing the attached interrogatory to Bell Canada.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011123_1.doc">011123_1.doc - 35KB

2001/11/23 - François Ménard
Description: On November 15th 2001, the CRTC issued a procedure letter modifying the default process surrounding the above referenced tariff notice permitting interested parties to file interrogatories. Bell Canada is thus invited to respond to the questions in the attachment by December 7th 2001.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011123.doc">011123.doc - 260KB


2001/11/19 - Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers ("IMCAIP")
Description: In light of this revised process, IMCAIP hereby reserves the right, once a new date for final submissions is established, to file amended comments if it deems it necessary or appropriate having regard to the interrogatories and associated responses.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011119.doc">011119.doc - 82KB

2001/11/16 - Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers ("IMCAIP")
Description: On October 18, 2001, Bell Canada filed for the Commission's approval a proposed revision to General Tariff (GT) Item 5400 - ADSL Access Service reflecting revised rates (Tariff Notice (TN) 6622).
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011116.doc">011116.doc - 88KB

2001/11/15 -eng/archive/2001/LT011115a.HTM">Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-B2-6622/01 -PartVII/eng/2001/8622/C51-02.htm">8622-C51-02/01
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List (Bell Canada - IMCAIP - F. Menard) - Re: Revised Procedures Related to Bell Canada Tariff Notice 6622 - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) Access Service

2001/11/13 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada is in receipt of a letter submitted by Mr. François D. Ménard, dated 7 November 2001, regarding the above noted tariff application. In his letter Mr. Ménard requests that the Commission issue directions of procedure to allow interested parties to file interrogatories, make requests for confidential information as well as requests for further responses to interrogatories, and to submit comments and reply comments.
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011113.doc">011113.doc - 60KB

2001/11/07 - François Ménard
Description: Comment
public/8740/2001/B2/tn6622/011107.htm">011107.htm - 9KB

Date Modified: 2007-08-15

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