2001/11/28 - #: 8740-T66-25/01 - TCI (or "The Company") - TN 25 - General Tariff - Emergency Reporting and Alerting Systems

2002-08-01 - Telecom Order CRTC 2002-324  
Description:  The Commission approves an application by TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI), dated 28 November 2001, requesting approval to revise the former TCI tariff item 160, Emergency Reporting System (ERS) service, in order to discontinue offering the service to new customers while maintaining the service for existing customers in Alberta. TCI further proposed to amalgamate this tariff item with the equivalent, TCBC tariff item 422, Emergency Reporting and Alerting Systems. The service in British Columbia has been discontinued for new customers since 1980. Reference: TN 25. Eff. date= 01.08.02.

2002/04/18 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: TCI is in receipt of a letter from the Mayor of the town of Hanna, Alberta (the "Mayor"), dated March 15, 2002, regarding the Company's Tariff Notice No. 25 which involves the proposed grandfathering of the Emergency Reporting System.
020418.doc - 391KB

2002/03/15 - Town of Hanna - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: The purpose of my letter is to advise that the Town of Hanna is concerned with the above application to grandfather Emergency Response System service. 

2002/01/25 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: This letter is to confirm TCI's plans to notify existing customers with Emergency Reporting Systems under the former TCI General Tariff (CRTC 18001), Item 160, of the Company's intent to grandfather the service per Tariff Notice No. 25, dated November 28, 2001.
020125.doc - 310 KB

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