2001/07/13 - #: 8740-C6-0007/01 - Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. -public/8740/2001/C6/tn7.zip">TN 7 - General Tariff - Interconnection

2005/02/03 - Telecom Decision CRTCeng/archive/2004/dt2004-69-2.htm">2004-69-2 The Commission is issuing a correction to the reference line of Telecom Decisions CRTC 2004-69, 2 November 2004 and 2004-69-1, 24 November 2004.

2004/11/24 - Telecom Decision CRTCeng/archive/2004/dt2004-69-1.htm">2004-69-1 The Commission is issuing corrections to paragraphs 52 and 60 of Point of interconnection and service charge rates, terms and conditions for third party Internet access using cable networks, Telecom Decision CRTC 2004-69, 2 November 2004. Reference: Rogers TNs 11 and 11A, Cogeco TNs 7 and 8, Shaw TNs 4, 4A and 4B, and Vidéotron TN 8.

2004/11/02 - Telecom Decision CRTCeng/archive/2004/dt2004-69.htm">2004-69  The Commission approves tariffs and agreements setting out the rates, terms and conditions for third party Internet access (TPIA) to allow Internet service providers to connect with and serve customers over the cable networks of the major cable companies, namely, Cogeco Cable Canada inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc., and Vidéotron ltée. The rates are approved on an interim basis pending further consideration of the level of mark-up over costs appropriate for TPIA services and facilities provided by the cable companies. Reference:  Rogers TNs 11 and 11A, Cogeco TNs 7 and 8, Shaw TNs 4, 4A and 4B, and Vidéotron TN 8.

2004/12/02 - Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.
Description:  Approved Tariff Pages.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/041202.doc">041202.doc - 434KB

2002/10/03 - Jean Louis Bouthillette
Description:  Comments on how and where ISPs should connect to MSOs for TPIA.
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/021003.htm">021003.htm - 10KB

2002/08/16 - Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.
Description: Attached are Cogeco's reply comments filed in response to the Commission's letter dated July 11, 2002.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020816.doc">020816.doc - 64KB

2002/08/02 - The Coalition for better Third Party Access (The CBTPA)
Description: Follow-up to Order 2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Tariff Notice 7 and; Videotron Limited Tariff Notice 8.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020802_1.doc">020802_1.doc - 112KB

2002/08/02 - Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (IMCAIP)
Description: Follow-up to Order CRTC 2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Tariff Notice 7 and Vidéotron ltée Tariff Notice 8.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020802.doc">020802.doc - 68KB

2002/07/25 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-C6-07/01 - 8740-V3-08/01
Description: Letter addressed to Interested Parties - Re: Follow-up to Order 2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Tariff Notice 7 and Vidéotron ltée Tariff Notice 8

2002/07/23 - Cogeco Cable Canada
Description: In its letter dated July 11, 2002, the Commission directed Cogeco Cable Canada, to provide a further response to Cogeco (IMCAIP)7Sept01-02 TN7. A supplemental response is attached.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020723.zip">020723.zip - 40KB

2002/07/11 -eng/archive/2002/lt020711.htm">Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-C6-007/01, 8740-V3-008/01
Description: Letter addressed to Interested Parties - Re: Follow-up to Ordereng/archive/2000/O2000-789.htm">2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Tariff Notice 7 and Vidéotron ltée Tariff Notice 8

2002/03/28 - Canadian Cable Television Association
Description: Attached is the Canadian Cable Television Association's (CCTA) reply to the 14 March 2002 comments received from the Independent Member of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers (IMCAIP) and Mr. Francois D. Ménard on behalf of the Coalition for Better Third Party Access (CBTPA).
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020328.doc">020328.doc - 293KB

2002/03/14 - Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers ("IMCAIP")
Description: IMCAIP is in receipt of the following materials filed respectively by the Canadian Cable Television Association ("CCTA"), Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. ("Cogeco"), Rogers Communications Inc. ("Rogers"), Shaw Cablesystems G.P. ("Shaw") and Vidéotron ltée ("Vidéotron") (collectively, the "Cable Carriers") in the above-captioned proceeding relating to the point of interconnection ("POI") and other services relative to the Third Party Internet Access ("TPIA") service.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020314_1.doc">020314_1.doc - 123KB

2002/03/14 - The Coalition for better Third Party Access (The "CBTPA")
Description: The following letter constitutes the final comments of the CBTPA with regard toeng/archive/2000/O2000-879.htm">Order 2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020314.doc">020314.doc - 235KB

2002/02/21 - Shaw Cablesystems
Description: Response to the Commission's letter dated January 16, 2002 wherein it submitted additional interrogatories respecting Shaw Cablesystems' Third Party Internet Access service.
public/8740/2001/S9/TN4/020221.zip">020221.zip - 144KB

2002/02/21 - Cogeco Cable Canada
Description: Responses and disclosure of information pursuant to the Commission's letters dated January 16, February 6, and February 19, 2002.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020221.zip">020221.zip - 214KB

2002/02/15 - Cogeco Cable Canada
Description: Responses and disclosure of information pursuant to the Commission's letters dated January 16, and February 6, 2002.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/020215_1.zip">020215.zip -215KB

2002/02/19 -eng/archive/2002/lt020219.htm">Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-C6-007/01, 8740-R4-011/01, 8740-S9-004/01, 8740-V3-008/01
Description: Letter addressed to the Distribution List - Re: Cable Third Party Access - Point of Interconnection tariffs - Cogeco TN 7, Rogers TN 11, Shaw TN 4, Vidéotron TN 8 - Revised procedure dates

2002/02/06 -eng/archive/2002/lt020206a.htm">Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-C6-007/01, 8740-R4-011/01 - 8740-S9-004/01 - 8740-V3-008/01
Description: Letter addressed to Distribution List - Re: CableThird Party Access - Point of Interconnection Tariffs - Cogeco TN 7, Rogers TN 11, Shaw TN 4, Vidéotron TN 8 - Revised Procedure Dates

2002/01/16 -eng/archive/2002/lt020116.htm">Commission Letter
Files #: 8740-C6-007/01, 8740-R4-011/01, 8740-S9-004/01, 8740-V3-008/01
Description: Letter addressed to Cogeco Cable Inc., Vidéotron ltée, Shaw Cablesystems, Rogers Communications Inc. - Re: Cable Third Party Access - Point of Interconnection Tariffs - Cogeco TN 7, Rogers TN 11, Shaw TN 4, Vidéotron TN 8 - Requests for disclosure and for further responses to interrogatories and revised procedure dates

2002/01/16 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-C6-007/01, 8740-R4-011/01, 8740-S9-004/01, 8740-V3-008/01
Description: Letter addressed to Cogeco Cable Inc., Vidéotron ltée, Shaw Cablesystems, Rogers Communications Inc. - Re: Cable Third Party Access - Point of Interconnection Tariffs - Cogeco TN 7, Rogers TN 11, Shaw TN 4, Vidéotron TN 8 - Second Round Interogatories

2001/11/09 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: In accordance with the Commission's letter of October 31, 2001, the Canadian Cable Television Association on behalf of Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Cablesystems GP, submits the following response to the requests filed by the Coalition for Better Third Party Access and by the Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers for disclosure and further responses to interrogatories in respect of the above-noted POI tariffs.
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/011109.doc">011109.doc - 152KB


2001/11/02 - The Coalition for better Third Party Access (CBTPA)
Description: By letter dated October 31st 2001, the Commission has established a revised procedure surrounding the above-noted applications.
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/011102.doc">011102.doc - 125KB

2001/10/31 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-C6-07/01 - 8740-R4-11/01 - 8740-S9-04/01 - 8740-V3-08/01
Description: Letter addressed to Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Cablesystems GP, Vidéotron ltée - Re: Follow-up to Ordereng/archive/2000/O2000-789.htm">2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Tariff Notice 7; Rogers Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 11; Shaw Cablesystems GP Tariff Notice 4; and Vidéotron ltée Tariff Notice 8

2001/10/30 - Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers ("IMCAIP")
Description: We are also in receipt of a letter, dated October 19, 2001, from the CBTPA. The CBTPA's letter requests that the deadline for parties' comments prescribed in a Commission staff letter, dated August 9, 2001 as amended by a CRTC staff letter, dated September 25, 2001, be extended by one week from November 2nd to November 9th, 2001.
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/011030.zip">011030.zip - 88KB

2001/10/29 - The Coalition for better Third Party Access (CBTPA)
Description: By letter dated August 9th 2001, the Commission has established the following revised procedure surrounding the above-noted applications. The Commission has granted the CBTPA the opportunity to address interrogatories to the applications and instructed that such interrogatories be served by September 7th 2001.
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/011029.doc">011029.doc - 116KB

2001/10/25 - Rudy Komsic
Description: Comments
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/011025.htm">011025.htm - 10KB

2001/10/19 - The Coalition for better Third Party Access (CBTPA)
Description: The CBTPA has received responses to its interrogatories. Due to the length of the responses provided by the CCTA and the carriers in responses to the interrogatories of the CBTPA, CAIP and of the Commission, the CBTPA requests an extension of one week to prepare its final comments.
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/011019.doc">011019.doc - 112KB

2001/10/12 - Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the Commission's letter dated September 25, 2001, enclosed are Cogeco Cable Canada Inc.'s (Cogeco) responses to interrogatories received from the Commission, IMCAIP and CBTPA on September 7, 2001.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/011012.zip">011012.zip - 122KB

2001/10/12 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: Pursuant to the above noted Order and the Commission's letter, dated September 25, 2001, attached are the Canadian Cable Television Association's ("CCTA") responses to interrogatories received from the Coalition for Better Third Party Access (The "CBTPA").
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/011012.doc">011012.doc - 106KB


2001/09/25 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
Files #: 8740-C6-007/01 - 8740-R4-011/01 - 8740-S9-004/01 - 8740-V3-008/01
Description: Lettre addressed to List of Interested Parties to Telecom Decision CRTC 99-8 and CISC High Speed Working Group participants - Re: Follow-up to Order 2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Tariff Notice 7; Rogers Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 11; Shaw Cablesystems Inc. Tariff Notice 4; and Vidéotron ltée Tariff Notice 8.

2001/09/18 - Vidéotron ltée  - "Hard Copy Document"
Description: Vidéotron ltée has received a copy of the above-noted letter requesting a two-week extension of time to file interrogatory responses.

2001/09/17 - Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
Description: This letter is submitted by CCTA on behalf of Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Cable Inc. and Shaw Cablesystems GP requesting a two-week extension to file interrogatory responses in respect of the above-noted tariff filings.
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/010917.doc">010917.doc - 81KB

2001/09/07 - Independent Members of the Canadian Association of Internet Providers ("IMCAIP")
Description: In accordance with the process set out in a Commission staff letter dated May 24, 2001, as amended by a subsequent staff letter, dated August 9, 2001, IMCAIP is pleased to file the attached interrogatories respectively to Cogeco Cable Canada Inc., Rogers Communications Inc., Shaw Communications Inc. and Vidéotron ltée ("the cable carriers").
public/8740/2001/V3/TN8/010907.zip">010907.zip - 12KB

2001/09/07 - The Coalition for better Third Party Access (The CBTPA) - "Hard copy Document"
Description: Interrogatories - Re: Follow-up to Order 2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Tariff Notice 7; Rogers Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 11; Shaw Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 4; and Vidéotron ltée Tariff Notice 8.

2001/09/07 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard copy Document"
Description: Letter addressed to Cogeco Cable Inc. - Re: Cogeco Cable Inc. is requested to respond to the questions in the attachment by 28 September 2001.

2001/08/09 - Commission Letter - English Version Only - "Hard Copy Document"
File #: 8740-C6-0007/01   8740-R4-0011/01     8740-S9-0004/01 8740-V3-0008/01
Description: Letter addressed to List of Interested Parties to Telecom Decision CRTC 99-8 and CISC HighSpeed Working Group participants - Re: Follow-up to Order 2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues: Cogeco Cable Canada Inc. Tariff Notice 7; Rogers Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 11; Shaw Communications Inc. Tariff Notice 4; and Vidéotron ltée Tariff Notice 8

2001/08/01 - Canadian Cable Television Association
Description: Follow-up to Ordereng/archive/2000/O2000-789.htm">2000-789 - Outstanding Rating Issues
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/010801.doc">010801.doc - 22 KB

2001/07/24 - The Coalition for better Third Party Access (The CBTPA)
Description: Follow-up to Ordereng/archive/2000/O2000-789.htm">2000-789 - Request that the CBTPA be granted an extension of two weeks until August 24th 2001 to file its definitive comments and interrogatories.
public/8740/2001/C6/TN7/010724.doc">010724.doc - 106 KB

Date Modified: 2005-02-03

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