Tariff Applications (8740)
View tariff applications filed with the Commission
For applications filed before 2020, select the year and then choose the name of the regulated company that filed the application.
Approved Tariffs
The following links are to companies who have chosen to post approved tariffs on their own websites.
- 9315-1884 Quebec Inc.
- Bell Aliant:
- Island Tel
- NBTel
- NewTe
- Bell Canada
- Bell MTS
- Brooke Telecom Co-operative Limited (Brooke Telecom)
- Bruce Telecom
- Câblevision du Nord
- City West Cable & Telephone Corp.
- Cochrane Telecom Services
- Cooptel
- Courcelles
- Execulink
- Gosfield North Communications Co-operative Limited
- Independent Telecommunications Providers Association (ITPA)
- Hay Communications Co-operative Limited
- Huron Telecommunications Co-operative Limited
- The Lansdown Rural Telephone Company Limited
- Mornington Communications Co-operative Limited
- Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. & Nexicom Telephones Inc. (Nexicom Telecommunications Inc. & Nexicom Telephones Inc.)
- North Frontenac Telephone Corporation Limited
- North Renfrew Telephone Company Limited
- NorthernTel, Limited Partnership
- Northwestel
- Ontera
- Quadro Communications Co-operative Limited
- Quebecor/Videotron
- Rogers
- SaskTel
- Sogetel
- Télébec, Société en commandite
- Tuckersmith Communications Co-operative Limited (Tuckersmith Communications Co-Operative Limited)
- Wightman Telecom Limited
- WTC Communications
Official Languages and Third-Party Documents
Some of the material on these pages does not originate with the CRTC or any other organization that is subject to the Official Languages Act of Canada. It is available only in the language in which it was written and it has not been translated.
The CRTC is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of information that has been supplied by outside sources.
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