2004-10-29- #8740-T66-200412073 - TCI (or "The Company") - TN 159 - Carrier Access Tariff - ATM Network to Network Interface Service

2007-01-25 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-25 Network to Network Interface Service, Wide Area Network ADSL Service, and Wholesale Internet ADSL Service. The Commission renders its determinations on a final basis with respect to a number of TELUS Communications Company's competitor asymmetric digital subscriber line tariff applications. Reference: TNs 91, 159, 186, 186A, 186B, 187, 187A, 187B, 229, and 232.

2004-11-25 - Telecom Order CRTC 2004-394 The Commission approves on an interim basis an application by TELUS Communications Inc., dated 29 October 2004, in order to change the current ATM Network to Network Interface Service description. Reference: TN 159. Eff. date = 06.12.04.

2007-02-16 - TELUS Communications Company
Description: TELUS Communications Company ("TELUS") is in receipt of Network-to-Network Interface Service, Wide Area network ADSL Service, and Wholesale Internet ADSL Service, Telecom Order CRTC 2007-25 ("Order 2007-25" or the "Order"), dated 25 January 2007.
Document: 724360.pdf - 51KB

2004-11-26 - TELUS Communications Inc.
Description: Interim Approved tariff pages
041126.pdf - 274KB

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