2008-11-24 - # 8340-B7-200815730 - Bruce Telecom / Bell Canada and Bell Aliant Regional Communications - Toll Interconnection Agreement - Agreement 1282/00
2009-01-08 - Telecom Order CRTC 2009-4 Streamlined order The Commission approves on a final basis the following tariff applications: Master Toll Interconnection Agreement between Bruce Telecom/Bell Canada and Bell Aliant; Master Roll Interconnection Agreement between Dryden Municipal Telephone System/Bell Canada and Bell Aliant. File number: 8340-B7-200815730 and 8340-D3-200816275
2008-12-05 - Commission Letter
Description: Letter addressed to Bruce Telecom - Re: Agreement 1282/00 - Master Toll Interconnection Agreement
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