2006-12-13 - # 8340-J34-200616435 - Bruce Telecom/Navigata - ISP Telecom Inc. / Exatel Inc. - Master Agreement for Interconnection between Local Exchange Carriers 1093/00

2007-01-16 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-9-1 Erratum - The Commission is issuing a revised order to correct Telecom Order CRTC 2007-9, 12 January 2007. (streamlined order)

2007-01-12 - Telecom Order CRTC 2007-9 The Commission approves on a final basis the following agreements: 9163-7918 Québec Inc./Bell Canada; ISP Telecom/ExaTEL Inc.; IVIC Télécom s.e.n.c./Bell Canada; and 9164-3122 Québec inc. (Sogetel Numérique)/Bell Canada. Reference: 8340-Q19-200616550, 8340-Q19-200616568, 8340-J34-200616435, 8340-J63-200616493, 8340-S74-200616097. (streamlined order)

2006-12-19 - ISP TELECOM INC.
Description: Vous trouverez ci-joint une copie du MALI signé entre ISP TELECOM et EXATEL INC.
Document: 703690.doc - 254KB


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