2003-03-17- #: 8340-B23-200303769 - Bell Canada - Section 29 Master Agreement for Interconnection (MALI)

2006-05-30 - Telecom Order CRTC 2006-126 The Commission approves Bell Canada's interconnection agreement with NorthernTel Limited Partnership, and directs that where the agreement makes reference to a tariffed service, the current tariff rates are to be applied. Reference: 8340-B23-200303769.

2006-03-07 - NorthernTel, Limited Partnership
Description: NorthernTel, Limited Partnership ("NorthernTel") is providing the Commission with additional information further to Bell Canada's letter of 2 February 2006 related to the Carrier to Carrier Interconnection Agreement filed on 17 March 2003 by Bell Canada.
599143.doc - 165KB

2006-02-02 - Bell Canada
Description: Bell Canada (or the Company) is providing the Commission with additional information relating to the Carrier to Carrier Interconnection Agreement filed by Bell Canada on 17 March 2003.
587731.doc - 87KB


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