2001/01/24 - 8340-S22-0614/01 - Saskatchewan Telecommunications Inc. (SaskTel)  - Agreement - Amendment to the Microlink Service agreement and Schedule A. - Clause 2.1 (b) clarified to refer to rates as in tariff. Clause 9 and Clause 12 revised to clarify termination provisions consistent with SaskTel's Terms of Service.

2001-02-28 - Telecom Order CRTC 2001-172  The Commission approves a SaskTel 's request to amend its Support Structure License Agreement by including Section 12.12 and Schedule A; amend the Microlink Service Agreement and Schedule A by clarifying Clauses 2.1(b), 9 and 12; amend the Centrex Data Service Agreement and Schedule A by removing Clause 1(b) and revising Clauses 11 and 15; and amend the Private Line Agreement by adding a note to the contract and schedule. Reference: 8340-S22-0611/00, 8340-S22-0614/00, 8340-S22-0615/00 and 8340-S22-0617/00

2001/01/24 - SaskTel - "Hard Copy Document"
Description:  Attached, please find amended versions of SaskTel's standated Centrex Data Service Agreement, Microlink Service Agreement and Private Line Agreement and the related schedules that were provided to the Commision on June 8, 2000.


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