2001/03/26 - 8340-B2-0770/00 - BELL/ALIANT/MTS - Agreement - Provision of 911 Service to CLECs

2001/05/07 - Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel), (collectively, the Companies)
Description: Aliant Telecom Inc., Bell Canada, MTS Communications Inc. and Saskatchewan Telecommunications, (collectively, the Companies), are in receipt of comments submitted by Microcell Telecommunications Inc. (Microcell), on 25 April 2001, regarding proposed revisions to the Interconnection Agreement for the provision of 9-1-1 service to CLECs (9-1-1 Interconnection Agreement). Microcell raised four issues in its comments and the Companies provide the following reply.
010507.doc - 127KB

2001/04/25 - Microcell Telecommunications Inc.
Description: Comments of Microcell Telecommunications Inc. - Interconnection Agreement for the Provision of 9-1-1 Service to Competitive Local Exchange Carriers
010425.doc - 34KB


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