Cogeco Connexion Inc. - 8180-C231-201609413

Documents des ESLC, des ESLC proposées et documents connexes en 2018

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2018-10-22 - Cogeco Connexion Inc.
Description: Cogeco Communications Inc., on behalf of Cogeco Connexion Inc. (collectively Cogeco), hereby notifies the Commission of its intention to enter the following exchange located in Québec:
Document : 3208510.pdf - 36 Ko

2018-09-06 - Cogeco Connexion Inc.
Description: Cogeco Communications Inc., on behalf of Cogeco Connexion Inc. (collectively Cogeco), hereby notifies the Commission of its intention to enter the following exchange located in Québec:
Document : 3204486.pdf - 26 Ko

2018-05-17 - Cogeco Connexion Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the entry procedures established in Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local Competition (Decision 97-8), and the Commission’s requirements enunciated at paragraph 34 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-396, Notification requirements for competitive local exchange carriers seeking to offer local services in new exchanges, and filing of related documents (Decision 2012-396), Cogeco Communications Inc., on behalf of Cogeco Connexion Inc. (collectively Cogeco), hereby notifies the Commission that it has completed the expansion of CLEC service in the following exchange:
Document : 3133970.pdf - 63 Ko

2018-05-02 - Cogeco Connexion Inc.
Description: Cogeco Communications Inc., on behalf of Cogeco Connexion Inc. (collectively Cogeco), hereby notifies the Commission of its intention to enter the following exchange located in Québec:
Document : 3119455.pdf - 59 Ko

2018-04-03 - Cogeco Connexion Inc.
Description: For the completeness of public record, Cogeco Communications Inc., on behalf of Cogeco Connexion Inc. (collectively Cogeco), confirms the completion of CLEC obligations since 2013 in the exchanges of Nicolet and Saint-Liboire located in the province of Québec. Cogeco is unable to retrace the original notification letter and accordingly apologizes for the inconvenient this may have caused.
Document : 3097288.pdf - 63 Ko

2018-03-06 - Cogeco Connexion Inc.
Description: Pursuant to the entry procedures established in Telecom Decision CRTC 97-8, Local Competition (Decision 97-8), and the Commission’s requirements enunciated at paragraph 34 of Telecom Decision CRTC 2012-396, Notification requirements for competitive local exchange carriers seeking to offer local services in new exchanges, and filing of related documents (Decision 2012-396), Cogeco Communications Inc., on behalf of Cogeco Connexion Inc. (collectively Cogeco), hereby notifies the Commission that it has completed the expansion of CLEC service in the following exchange:
Document : 3083411.pdf - 63 Ko

2018-02-19 - Cogeco Connexion Inc.
Description: Cogeco Communications Inc., on behalf of Cogeco Connexion Inc. (collectively Cogeco), hereby notifies the Commission of its intention to enter the following exchange located in Ontario:
Document : 3071867.pdf - 59 Ko

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