WTC Communications - 8180-W3-201101063

Documents des ESLC, des ESLC proposées et documents connexes en 2012

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2012-09-12 - WTC Communications
Description : WTC Communications (WTC) wishes to inform the Commission that it plans to provide services as a CLEC in the following Bell exchanges in the Province of Ontario:
Document : 1768301.pdf - 89KO

2012-07-09 - WTC Communications
Description : WTC Communications (WTC) wishes to inform the Commission that it plans to provide services as a CLEC on or about October 1, 2012 in the Bell exchange of Portland in the Province of Ontario.
Document : - 96KO

2012-07-09 - WTC Communications
Description : WTC Communications (WTC) wishes to inform the Commission that it plans to provide services as a CLEC on or about October 1, 2012 in the Bell exchange of Perth in the Province of Ontario.
Document : - 114KO

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