
The CRTC Thesaurus contains the preferred terms used to index CRTC information resources on its website. Describing web resources using controlled terminology improves the ability of users to find the information they need when search engines are metadata-enabled.

Once you have selected a term, you can launch a search for items on the CRTC Web site that contain that term by clicking on CRTC.

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 9
Scope Note
Use only for a general discussion of music; when possible, use a more specific descriptor instead (e.g., "Instrumental music").
Narrower Term
Background music
Canadian music
English-language music
French-language music
Indigenous music
Instrumental music
Non-Canadian music
Popular music
Special-interest music
Vocal music
Related Term
Content category 8a (Television)
Music formats
Music industry
Music promotion funds
Music videos
Musical compositions
Musical content
Musical production
Musical selections
Subject Category
PROG Programming
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