Blueprint 2020 – CRTC Public Service Renewal Results 2016

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Section 1: Supported a Respectful Workplace

Launched the CRTC mental health awareness campaign It’s OK, Let’s Talk.

Named a Wellness Champion for the CRTC.

Next Steps

Develop a more comprehensive corporate strategy to support employee wellness.

Section 2: Contributed to Public Service Renewal

Recruited new and diverse employees

Welcomed and integrated new employees to help them succeed

Supported talent management

Prepare the next generation of leaders

Section 3: Pursued Other Actions to Renew the Public Service

A CRTC 2015 Blueprint 2020 all-staff exercise identified communications bottlenecks as a key concern to innovation and sharing information. As a result, the CRTC set out in 2016 to improve the way information was communicated to staff and ensure that employees are better engaged:

Streamlined internal communications through a modernized Weekly News bulletin

Purchased and installed digital screens in public areas

Developed an email etiquette one-pager reminding employees how to reduce email clutter.

Created an internal communications committee

Continued to empower employees by giving them the opportunity to pitch innovative ideas directly to the Senior Management Committee and then to their peers though the annual 7.5 hour challenge. All employees had the opportunity to vote for the proposal that they felt should be implemented.

Our employees were recognized by our peers for our innovative approaches with three prestigious awards:

Section 4: Delivered better outcomes for government and Canadians through better consultation, more openness and collaboration

Building on what we have accomplished and reported on through previous BP 2020 reports, we continued to try and put all Canadians at the center of their communication system, and at the heart of the work of the CRTC through smart risk taking and open and innovative communication and consultation approaches. Even though consulting Canadians has always been key to delivering on the CRTC’s mandate, we continued to push to do better through the following actions:

We continued to educate and empower Canadians so that they can make informed decisions as consumers and citizens.

We continued to collaborate with partners to deliver better outcomes for government and Canadians:

Moving the Blueprint 2020 vision forward

The CRTC endeavours to implement Blueprint 2020 principles in all that it does. The need to hear from Canadians in order to make informed decisions, and to inform and educate them, means that we are constantly trying to find innovative ways to connect with as many Canadians as possible.

We know that technology is moving fast and that a modern and high-performing workforce is essential to staying ahead of the curve. However, it is difficult to maintain morale and focus on our core business when employees can’t rely on the centralized systems which support them. In particular, CRTC employees continue to struggle with some of the existing public service transformation initiatives, including:

In addition, legacy government policies and procedures with respect to contracting and purchasing make it difficult for employees to innovate and quickly implement solutions in a reasonable amount of time. Moreover, the Core Control Audit focuses on respect for archaic rules rather than focussing on Public Service values and actual outcomes.

While issues will surely arise when taking new and innovative approaches, and when taking risks, we must endeavour to ensure that issues are resolved as quickly as possible so as not to disrupt morale and the appetite for taking future risks. This is critical to live the Blueprint 2020 vision.

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