Departmental Plan 2022-2023 - Supplementary Information Tables
Operating context
From telework and virtual schooling to more online shopping and entertainment, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way Canadians interact with the world. Many of these changes are expected to continue long after the pandemic is over. And Canadians will continue to increase their reliance on high-quality broadband Internet access service. At the same time, the global communications landscape is expected to continue rapidly advancing.
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) will continue to stay abreast of ongoing disruptions in the communications sector and to increase its knowledge base of the trends and its understanding of their implications for a world-class Canadian communications system through knowledge partnerships and dialogue with Canadians.
The CRTC will continue to enhance its dialogue with Canadians by exploring innovative ways to strengthen and expand its engagement activities. Through stronger engagement, the CRTC will improve its understanding of the needs of all Canadians and Indigenous Peoples and enhance the representativeness of the participation in its proceedings.
The Government of Canada plans to reintroduce legislation to reform the Broadcasting Act (the Act). The CRTC will be examining options for the appropriate measures that may be required for online undertakings to contribute equitably to the creation and promotion of Canadian content in both official languages and in Indigenous languages. It will also be planning for the impact that the efficient and effective implementation of these changes could have on its operations.
Gender-based analysis plus
Institutional GBA Plus Capacity |
The CRTC does not have a formal gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) implementation plan for 2022 23. Given its small size of approximately 500 employees, the CRTC does not plan to assign dedicated full time equivalents (FTEs) to GBA+ implementation in 2022-23. Nevertheless, GBA+ is part of the CRTC’s decision-making processes. All regulatory policies and decisions are made via public processes that are open to all Canadians and these take into consideration GBA+ matters that are put forward by individuals and stakeholders. In 2022-23, the CRTC will strengthen and expand its engagement activities to improve its understanding of the needs of all under-represented groups, including accessibility groups, racialized communities and Indigenous Peoples, to enhance the representativeness of the participation in its proceedings. |
Highlights of GBA Plus Results Reporting Capacity by Program |
Support for Canadian content creation | The CRTC currently collects data to enable it to monitor and report program impacts by gender and diversity. In 2022-23, through its licensing process, the CRTC intends to review the type of data it currently requests from broadcasters and make necessary changes to better monitor the industry’s progress in enhancing diversity. It will also consider these issues in the context of policy reviews. The CRTC also plans to increase the data it purchases from third-party research consultancies to include more information specific to racialized Canadians and other equity seeking communities. |
Connection to the communications system | The CRTC currently collects data to enable it to monitor program impacts by gender and diversity. As part of its ongoing proceeding Telecom services in the Far North, the CRTC will implement a number of measures to ensure meaningful engagement with communities in the Far North, including Indigenous Peoples. |
Protection within the communications system | The CRTC currently collects data to enable it to monitor and report program impacts by gender and diversity. The CRTC will continue its Secret Shoppers Program to identify misleading or aggressive sales practices by Canada’s large telecommunications carriers. The data from the program will allow the CRTC to ensure that the market is not subjecting Canadian seniors, persons with disabilities and persons whose first language is neither English nor French to barriers that prevent them from fully benefitting from the communications networks. The data will also continue to inform future Commission regulatory activities. |
2020 to 2023 Short-form Departmental Sustainable Development Strategy
Name of department | Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) |
Date | April 2020 |
Context | Although the CRTC is not bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act and is not required to develop a full departmental sustainable development strategy, the CRTC adheres to the principles of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) by complying with the Policy on Green Procurement. The Policy on Green Procurement supports the Government of Canada’s effort to promote environmental stewardship. In keeping with the objectives of the policy, the CRTC supports sustainable development by integrating environmental performance considerations into the procurement decision-making process through the actions described in the 2019 to 2022 FSDS “Greening Government” goal. |
Commitments | Low-carbon government |
Integrating sustainable development | The CRTC continues to implement environmentally conscious strategies and best practices to reduce the carbon footprint of the CRTC. Below are examples of implementation strategies and best practices that are in place.
A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for policy, plan or program proposals includes an analysis of the impacts of the given proposal on the environment, including on the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) goals and targets. The results of these SEAs are made public when an initiative is announced. The purpose of the public statement is to demonstrate that when there are environmental effects, including impacts on achieving the FSDS goals and targets, of the approved policy, plan or program that they have been appropriately considered during proposal development and decision making. The CRTC is an administrative tribunal that regulates and supervises Canadian broadcasting, and telecommunications in the public interest, as well as contributes to protecting Canadians from unsolicited communications. Given its mandate, the CRTC does not have plans, programs or policies subject to strategic environmental assessments. |
FSDS target(s) | FSDS contributing action(s) | Corresponding departmental action(s) | Contribution by each departmental action to the FSDS goal and/or target | Starting point(s) Performance indicator(s) Target(s) |
Program(s) in which the departmental actions will occur |
Actions supporting the Greening Government goal and the Policy on Green Procurement |
Support for green procurement will be strengthened, including guidance, tools and training for public service employees |
Internal Services |
United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Planned initiatives | Associated domestic targets or “ambitions” and/or global targets |
SDG 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation |
This Strategy contributes to advancing:
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