Communications Monitoring Report 2019

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Revisions to the Communications Monitoring Report

January 2020

  • Infographic 1.6, Figure 1.5 and Table 1.10: The methodology to calculate the average household expenditures in urban centres has been updated to weight the expenditures by the number of households.
  • Infographic 1.8, Figure 1.9, Figure 1.10, Figure 1.11, Figure 1.12, Map 1.2 and accompanying text: The term Indigenous reserves was replaced by First Nations reserves.
  • Methodology notes: A typo was corrected in the name of the Media Technology Monitor.
  • Infographic 4.2: PBIT margins for conventional television and discretionary services have been revised. The 2017-2018 revenue growth of cable broadcasting distribution has been revised. The paragraph following infographic 4.2, has been revised where conventional television and discretionary services PBIT are cited.
  • Infographic 6.3: PBIT margin for conventional television has been revised.
  • Infographic 6.5: PBIT margin for discretionary services has been revised. The second paragraph following infographic 6.5 has been revised where discretionary services PBIT is cited.
  • Infographic 7.1 Total affiliation payments to Canadian services 2017-2018 growth has been revised.

February 2020

  • Retail Mobile Sector, subsection “iv.Coverage/availability details”: The number of WiFi hotspots in the paragraph before Figure 10.26 was revised to address a discrepancy with the data in Figure 10.26.

Table of Contents

Communications services in Canadian households: Subscriptions and expenditures 2013-2017

  1. Quick Facts
  2. What communications services do Canadian households use?
  3. What do Canadian households spend on communications services?
  4. Who is covered by broadband and mobile networks across Canada?
  5. Methodology
  6. Appendices

2018 Communications Services Pricing in Canada

  1. Highlights
  2. Television distribution services
  3. Local wireline telephone services
  4. Internet services
  5. Mobile services
  6. Methodology

Communications Industry Overview: Telecommunications and Broadcasting

  1. Revenues
  2. Subscribers
  3. Financial performance
  4. Industry characteristics
  5. Methodology

Broadcasting Overview

  1. Revenues and financial performance
  2. Industry characteristics
  3. Contributions to Canadian content
  4. Internet-based audio and television services estimated revenues
  5. Methodology

Radio Sector

  1. Audience measurement
  2. Canadian content development
  3. Tangible benefits
  4. Commercial radio
  5. CBC/SRC radio
  6. Non-commercial radio
  7. Internet-based audio services
  8. Availability of radio services and other audio services
  9. Methodology

Television Sector

  1. Sector overview
  2. Conventional television stations
  3. Discretionary and on-demand services
  4. Internet-based video services in Canada
  5. Availability of television and video services
  6. Methodology

Broadcasting Distribution Sector

  1. Revenues and financial performance
  2. BDUs over the past 10 years
  3. Industry characteristics
  4. Contributions
  5. Affiliation payments
  6. Dispute resolution
  7. Methodology

Telecommunications Overview

  1. Revenues
  2. Telecommunications sectors
  3. Financial performance
  4. Sector summaries
  5. Methodology

Retail Fixed Internet Sector and Broadband Availability

  1. Residential market
  2. Business market
  3. Broadband service availability
  4. Broadband applications
  5. Methodology

Retail Mobile Sector

  1. Revenues
  2. Subscriber data
  3. Other performance indicators
  4. Coverage/availability details
  5. Methodology

Contents of the Report

  1. Communications Services in Canadian Households: Subscriptions and Expenditures 2013-2017
  2. 2018 Communications Services Pricing in Canada
  3. Communications Industry Overview: Telecommunications and Broadcasting
  4. Broadcasting Overview
  5. Radio Sector
  6. Television Sector
  7. Broadcasting Distribution Sector
  8. Telecommunications Overview
  9. Retail Fixed Internet Sector and Broadband Availability
  10. Retail Mobile Sector

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Data from this report and additional data is available on Open Data in .xlsx and .csv:
Report Section Open Data
Communications Services in Canadian Households: Subscriptions and Expenditures 2013-2017 Households data
2018 Communications Services Pricing in Canada Pricing data
Communications Overview Communications Overview data
Broadcasting Overview Broadcasting Overview data
Radio Sector Radio data
Television Sector Television data
Broadcasting Distribution Sector BDU data
Telecommunications Overview Telecommunications Overview data
Retail Fixed Internet Sector and Broadband Availability Internet data
Retail Mobile Sector Mobile data
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