CRTC Overview: Financial and Human Resources

As of November 22, 2023

Authority 2023-2024
Salary $66,428,807
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) $19,442,929
Total Operating Budget $85,871,736
Statutory (Employee Benefit Plans) $9,933,271
Total $95,805,007
Source of Funding 2023-2024
Voted $13,050,752
Vote-netted revenue $72,820,984
Total Operating Budget $85,871,736
Statutory (Employee Benefit Plans) $9,933,271
Total $95,805,007
Revenue* 2023-2024
Fees $84.5M

* Forecast to Year-End

Human Resources 2023-2024
Actual Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) 610
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