Search Results

Your search: subject_txt:"Broadcasting" found 4 results.
Convergence : competition and cooperation : policy and regulation affecting local telephone and cable networks / Local Networks Convergence Committee. [Canada : Government of Canada], c1992.
CRTC forum : shaping regulatory approaches for the future / Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). [Ottawa] : Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), 2011.
Environmental scan of digital media convergence trends: disruptive innovation, regulatory opportunities and challenges / Matrix, Sidneyeve; MatrixMediaFX; Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). [Kingston, ON] : MatrixMediaFX, 2011.
Competition and culture set to gain in convergence policy framework : news release = La concurrence et la culture : les grandes gagnantes de l'énoncé de politique sur la convergence / Canada. Canadian Heritage; Canada. Industry Canada; Canada. Patrimoine canadien; Canada. Industrie Canada. [Ottawa] : Government of Canada = Gouvernement du Canada, 1996.
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