Search Results

Your search: subject_txt:"United States" found 6 results.
Telephone pricing to promote universal service and economic freedom / Brock, Gerald W; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy. Washington, D.C. : Federal Communications Commission, Office of Plans and Policy, 1986.
The impact of regulatory policy, competition, and divestiture on U.S. telecommunications services : a critical assessment / Levy, Jonathan D; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy. Washington, D.C. : Federal Communications Commission, 1986.
Are recent FCC telephone rate reforms a threat to universal service? / Gordon, Kenneth; Haring, John; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Office of Plans and Policy; Michigan State University. Institute of Public Utilities. Washington, D.C. : Federal Communications Commission, Office of Plans and Policy, 1984.
Information needs of communities (The) : the changing media landscape in a broadband age / Waldman, Steven; Working Group on Information Needs of Communities; Federal Communications Commission. Washington, DC : Federal Communications Commission, c2011.
Quality of service for the local operating companies aggregated to the holding company level / Kraushaar, Jonathan M; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Common Carrier Bureau. Washington, DC : Common Carrier Bureau, Industry Analysis Division, Federal Communications Commission, 1993.
Update on quality of service for the Bell operating companies / Kraushaar, Jonathan M; United States. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Common Carrier Bureau. Washington, DC : Industry Analysis Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, 1991.
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