Search Results

Your search: canada found 4 results.
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and religious broadcasting / Barrett, Douglas; Tilley, Carson & Findlay. Toronto : Tilley, Carson & Findlay, 1982.
La télévision payante et les exigences réglementaires du CRTC / Barrett, Douglas; Conférence canadienne des arts. [Toronto] : Conférence canadienne des arts, 1983.
Pay TV and the regulatory requirements of the CRTC / Barrett, Douglas; Canadian Conference of the Arts. [s.l.] : Canadian Conference of the Arts, 1983.
Criteria for independence of publicly funded broadcasting undertakings from their source of funds / Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC); Richards, Cathy; Barrett, Douglas. [Ottawa : Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission], 1976.
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