Status Report - Complaints Related to Internet Traffic Management Practices (ITMPs)

Information updated as of 30 September 2023

The CRTC received 3 ITMP complaints during the past year.

Figure 1: Total retail ITMP complaints received by quarter for the past year
Figure 1
Long description

Figure 1 contains four bar graphs. The bar graph on the far left illustrates the total number of complaints received by the CRTC pursuant to Review of Internet traffic management practices, Telecom Regulatory Policy CRTC 2009-657 during Q4 2022. Two complaints were received. The second bar graph illustrates that 0 complaints were received during Q1 2023. The third bar graph illustrates that 1 complaint was received during Q2 2023. The fourth bar graph illustrates that 0 complaints were received during Q4 2023.

Activity from July to September 2023

Active complaints as of 30 June 2023: 1

Total complaints received this quarter: 0

Active complaints as of 30 September 2023: 0

Closed* this quarter: 1

Forwarded to Compliance and Enforcement** this quarter: 0

*Closed complaints include complaints where CRTC staff has determined that the Internet service provider (ISP) is compliant with the CRTC’s policies, or the ISP has come into compliance subsequent to the complaint, and therefore the complaint is resolved; complaints that have been closed due to insufficient information received from the complainant; and complaints related to practices other than an ISP’s use of ITMPs.

**The Telecommunications branch may forward a file to the CRTC’s Compliance and Enforcement branch, as outlined in Telecom Information Bulletin 2011-609.

In 2019, CRTC staff conducted a compliance monitoring exercise to gather information about the current state of compliance with the Commission’s net neutrality policy framework, including the ITMP policy framework. Specific information was requested from a number of ISPs and wireless service providers (WSPs) about their Internet traffic management practices and disclosures. An outcome of the compliance monitoring exercise has been that improvements were made with respect to disclosure of technical ITMPs. More information can be found by going to:

For more information please see How to make a complaint about Internet service.

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