Tips for Navigating the CRTC Web Site

Finding aids and terms

Page menus

Top menu

The left-side menu

This is your main navigation tool. The left-side menu is organized by audience and topic, to help you find and explore the subjects you're interested in. As you go deeper into the website, the information also becomes more detailed.

Marking your path

Accessing pages on this site

We have tried to make this site accessible to all people. Still, you may be having trouble accessing some content or services available here. If so, contact the CRTC.

File types

Some of the documents on the CRTC site originated outside the Commission and may have different formats. You may need to download software to read or print these documents.

Documents with a .pdf extension are in Portable Document Format. To open a PDF, you need to have a PDF reader installed. If you don't already have one, install one of the free PDF reader software programs:

If you decide not to use a reader, you can have the PDF file converted to HTML or ASCII text by using an online conversion service such as one offered by Adobe online conversion.

Documents with a .zip extension are compressed, usually to make sending files faster, and can be 'unzipped' using Winzip, available at You can download a trial version of this software for free.

Documents with a .doc extension are Microsoft Word documents. and can be opened with a Word viewer available at

Documents with an .xls extension can be read with an Excel viewer available at

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