Why don’t I receive the wireless test alerts?

Not all mobile devices will receive the test message. To receive the wireless test alerts, your mobile device:

  • Must be connected to an LTE network at the time an alert is distributed. There is a symbol, usually located in the upper right-hand corner of your device that will help you to identify what network you are connected to.
  • Must have the latest operating system version.
  • Must be Wireless Public Alerting compatible. To find out if your mobile device can receive alerts, please visit Alert Ready or contact your wireless service provider.

However, other factors may impact your ability to receive an alert. It depends on what you are doing with your device at the time when the alert is issued. For example, you will not receive an alert if you have set your device to Wi-Fi only or if you are in a location that makes signal reception difficult, such as an underground garage.

More information on alerts, connections to LTE networks and testing schedules: https://www.alertready.ca

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