Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2025-28
Reference: Part 1 application posted on 11 October 2024
Ottawa–Gatineau, 29 January 2025
Bell Media Inc.
Winnipeg and Brandon, Manitoba
Public record: 2024-0527-4
CKY-DT Winnipeg – Deletion of transmitter
- The Commission has the authority, pursuant to subsection 9(1) of the Broadcasting Act, to issue licences for the carrying on of broadcasting undertakings and to amend those licences.
- Consistent with this authority, the Commission approves the application by Bell Media Inc. (Bell Media) to amend the broadcasting licence for the English-language television programming undertaking CKY-DT Winnipeg, Manitoba, to delete the analog rebroadcasting transmitter CKYB-TV Brandon, Manitoba.
- The Commission did not receive any interventions in regard to this application.
- In its request, Bell Media indicated that the deletion of the rebroadcasting transmitter is necessary because it is out of function and cannot be repaired. Bell Media also cited significant maintenance costs and a lack of revenue generated from CKYB-TV. Bell Media also stated that deleting the transmitter would have limited impact on the availability of CKY-DT’s programming, which would still be available online and through broadcasting distribution undertakings.
Secretary General
This decision is to be appended to the licence.
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