Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Carol Ho (TELUS Communications Inc.)

Ottawa, 26 June 2024

Reference: 8622-C143-202209246


Carol Ho, Senior Regulatory Advisor
TELUS Communications Inc.
215 Slater Street, 5th Floor
Ottawa, ON  K1P 0A6

Subject: CIK Telecom Inc. Part 1 Application for Non-Discriminatory and Timely Access to the Multi-Dwelling Units of Strata Corporation EPS 757

Dear Carol Ho,

The Commission is presently considering the above-referenced Part 1 application, filed by CIK Telecom Inc. (CIK). In this application, CIK is requesting access to two multi-dwelling units (MDUs) administered by Strata Corporation EPS 757 (EPS 757), located at 6888 Cooney Rd. and 8333 Anderson Rd. (the Premises) in Richmond, British Columbia. CIK wishes to install its equipment at the Premises and provide telecommunications services to residents.

Section 37 of the Act provides that the Commission may require Canadian carriers or any person to file information or documents that the Commission considers necessary for the administration of the Act. As part of its consideration of CIK’s above-noted application, Commission staff is sending this request for information (RFI) to TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS) for the purpose of developing a more fulsome public record of this proceeding.

Commission staff therefore requests TELUS to file with the Commission copies of all MDU access agreements between TELUS and EPS 757 associated with the two MDUs comprising the Premises by 2 July 2024.

Section 39 of the Act and Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961 provides that persons may designate certain information submitted to the Commission as confidential. A detailed explanation of why the designated information is confidential and why its disclosure would not be in the public interest must be provided, including why the specific direct harm that would be likely to result from the disclosure would outweigh the public interest in its disclosure.

A copy of this letter and copies of all MDU access agreements will be added to the public record of this proceeding.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:   Jordan Deng, CIK Telecom Inc.,
Chris Copeland, Tacit Law,
Sat D. Harwood, Lesperance Mendes Lawyers,
Rudy Rab,

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