Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to the Distribution list

Ottawa, 31 May 2024

Reference(s): 8622-T117-202403070


Distribution List

Re:   Part 1 Application by TekSavvy Solutions Inc. on the decommissioning of copper

On 29 May 2024, the Commission received an application from TekSavvy Solutions Inc. (TekSavvy). The application requests that the Commission provide relief related to the imminent decommissioning of hybrid fibre coaxial (HFC) facilities in buildings located at 191 and 201 Sherbourne Street in Toronto. According to TekSavvy, the decommissioning would cause its customers to lose Internet access as soon as 4 June 2024. TekSavvy further alleges that there are no workable alternatives for it to provide similar services, should the decommissioning proceed.

Commission staff is concerned that customers could lose Internet access abruptly and without sufficient advance notice. Losing Internet access—even for a short period of time—is deeply disruptive. Disconnections can stop customers from accessing public safety services like 9-1-1 and 9-8-8. They also make it harder for customers to conduct business and connect with family and friends.

Commission staff requests that Rogers maintain TekSavvy’s ability to serve its customers at 191 and 201 Sherbourne Street until the Commission can issue a decision on this application. This will ensure that these customers do not suffer disconnections or other service issues. Commission staff also asks that Rogers confirm in writing that this access will be preserved.

Commission staff considers that a fulsome record needs to be developed to enable an informed Commission decision in this matter. Commission staff sets out the below process to consider TekSavvy’s request:

In the meantime, Commission staff reminds parties that the CRTC’s dispute resolution mechanism remains available to help identify potential solutions.

Please ensure that any claims for confidentiality are made in accordance with the requirements set out in the CRTC Rules of Practice and Procedure, including, for example, the requirement to file abridged versions of documents.

All documents must be received, and not merely sent, by the dates indicated, and can be filed on the Commission’s website using GCKey.


Original signed by

Leila Wright
Executive Director
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:   Philippe Kent, CRTC,
Julian Brainerd, CRTC,

Attachment (1) : Distribution list

Distribution List

TekSavvy Regulatory
Rogers Regulatory

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