Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Stephen Schmidt (TELUS Communications Inc.)

Ottawa, 10 April 2024

Reference(s): 8000-C12-202400282, 8663-T66-202402246


Stephen Schmidt                                                                                                       
Vice-President – Telecom Policy and Chief Regulatory Legal Counsel
Telecom Policy and Regulatory Affairs
TELUS Communications Inc.
Floor 5 – 215 Slater Street
Ottawa, ON K1P 0A6

RE:  Proposed disconnection of home telephone service in the Kamloops, BC area

Dear Stephen Schmidt,

I write further to TELUS Communications Inc.’s (TELUS) proposed disconnection of home telephone service in three communities in British Columbia: North Kamloops (Red Lake, Tranquille Valley, Green Stone Mountain), Alexis Creek (Nemiah Valley, Xeni Gwet’in First Nation), and Tahsis (Leading Hill, Espinosa).

TELUS proposes to provide residents of these communities with a one-time payment to help them transition to an alternative service provider. However, Commission staff has received correspondence from some residents of these communities indicating that TELUS’ proposal does not meet their needs.

In a letter dated 15 February 2024, Commission staff reminded TELUS that all incumbent local exchange carriers have an obligation to serve customers in their operating territory. Further, Commission staff requested that, while this situation is being assessed, TELUS make the necessary arrangements to ensure it can continue providing service in these communities.

Commission staff understands that TELUS has been granted an extension by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) for the continued use of the spectrum required to serve these communities with the existing equipment until 31 March 2025. In light of this development, TELUS has provided assurances that telephone service remains available in the communities and subscribers will not be disconnected before that date.

Given the impact on customers and the underlying Commission policies and regulations governing the provision and disconnection of local exchange service, Commission staff considers that it would be appropriate for TELUS to seek a Commission determination in relation to the issues raised by TELUS’ proposal.

Accordingly, TELUS is requested to file a Part I application pursuant to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure, SOR/2010-277, 26 November 2010, by no later than 1 May 2024.

This application should set out in detail, with supporting rationale:

TELUS should also specify, in its application, how potential solutions would address other issues raised by customers, such as affordability and continued access to critical systems such as emergency services.

Additionally, coincident with the filing of the application, TELUS is requested to provide affected customers with notice of TELUS’ application. That notice should:

To the extent that information is submitted in confidence pursuant to section 39 of the Telecommunications Act, an abridged version of all submissions must be provided for the public record. In light of the public’s interest in understanding the situation, TELUS is requested to disclose information on the public record to the maximum extent possible. Additionally, all documents that are currently part of the record of file 8000-C12-202400282 will form part of the public record of this proceeding.


Original signed by

Leila Wright
Executive Director
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.:  Michel Murray, CRTC,
Christine Brock, CRTC,

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