Broadcasting - Staff Letter addressed to Jonathan Daniels (Bell Canada) and the Distribution List

Ottawa, 29 May 2024

Reference: 2024-0069-6


Distribution List

Jonathan Daniels
Vice President, Regulatory Law
Bell Canada

RE: Request for information to Bell Canada and Bell Media Inc. regarding certain issues raised in the Part 1 application 2024-0069-6

Dear Jonathan Daniels,

After examining the record of this proceeding, including the answer filed by Bell Canada and Bell Media Inc. (collectively Bell), Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) staff requires more information about Bell’s recent efforts and planned short-term initiatives. Accordingly,

Each submission must be filed electronically and served on the persons in the distribution list set out at the end of this letter by the dates specified. All submissions will be placed on the public record and posted on the CRTC’s website.

Sections 30 to 34 of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure and Broadcasting and Telecom Information Bulletin CRTC 2010-961 provide that persons can designate certain information submitted to the CRTC as confidential. A detailed explanation of why the designated information is confidential and why its disclosure would not be in the public interest must be provided, including why the specific direct harm that would be likely to result from the disclosure would outweigh the public interest in its disclosure.

If you file a document containing confidential information, you must also file an abridged version of the document omitting only the confidential information. Alternatively, you must give reasons why an abridged version cannot be filed. Only the abridged version of the document will be placed on the public record and posted on the CRTC’s website.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by
Nanao Kachi
Director, Social and Consumer Policy

Valérie Dionne,
Michael Ostroff,
Leah Paolini,

Distribution List

Appendix – Request for information to Bell Canada and Bell Media Inc. regarding certain issues raised in the Part 1 application 2024-0069-6

Set-top box

  1. In your answer (paragraph 48), you stated that you began the rollout of your new set-top box, with screen reader functionality, in October 2023, that this new set-top box has been released in Atlantic Canada, and that it will be available to customers in Central Canada, on a “rollout basis”, beginning in the summer of 2024.
    1. Please explain what “rollout basis” means. Please describe how this new set-top box being made available “on a rollout basis” differs (if at all) from it being made available (without qualification) to all consumers and customers in Central Canada. Further, please advise if customers will need to request this new set-top box (and, if so, how they will be made aware that it is an available option) and whether opting to use this box will result in any billing increases.
    2. Please provide the schedule, by region, by which this new set-top box will be made available to all consumers and customers in all of the regions that you serve.
    3. Are there any risks to the rollout schedule that may cause delays?
    4. Is there any reason that the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission should not impose a condition of service requiring you to adhere to the above-mentioned schedule?
  1. How did your development team incorporate accessibility features into your new set-top box?
    1. How did your development team incorporate accessibility features into your new set-top box’s software? Please elaborate on specific accessibility features such as screen reader support, voice control options, and customizable display settings.
    2. How did you ensure that the new set-top box is fully accessible for persons with vision loss? Provide details on your testing processes, including whether you consulted with accessibility experts or involved users with disabilities in testing and feedback.

Apple TV 4K

  1. In your answer (paragraph 49), you stated that you had provided 31 Apple TV 4K media streaming devices to customers with disabilities and indicated that you would be pleased to provide one to the applicant.
    1. Please describe where customers can find out more about this offer.
    2. Please describe the process and/or guidelines that determine whether you offer these devices to customers and consumers.
    3. Please describe when and how you make these offers.
  1. Provide a description of the accessibility features offered to customers through the Apple TV 4K media streaming device, with particular emphasis on serving persons with vision loss.
    1. How have you assessed the Apple TV 4K media streaming device’s accessibility features, particularly in terms of navigating programming using screen reader technology?

Websites and applications

  1. How do you currently test your applications and websites for accessibility compliance?
    1. Please describe the procedures and tools used for accessibility testing of your websites.
    2. Have you encountered any specific challenges or barriers during accessibility testing that delay the rollout of these features? If so, how do you address these challenges?
    3. Are you following any recognized accessibility standards in the development and deployment of your IPTV service and electronic program guide?


  1. Please provide details regarding how you assess whether the training for any employees who assist customers with vision loss prepares these employees adequately to support these customers.
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