Broadcasting - Staff Letter addressed to Monica Auer (Forum for Research and Policy in Communications)

Ottawa, 22 May 2024


Monica Auer
Executive Director
Forum for Research and Policy in Communications
Ottawa, Ontario

Subject: Procedural request by FRPC requesting the disclosure of certain information found in an application filed by Bell ExpressVu seeking an amendment to contribution requirements by the national satellite relay distribution undertakings SRDUs (2024-0125-6)

Dear Monica Auer,

Thank you for your letter dated 18 April 2024 relating to Bell ExpressVu’s (Bell) application to amend its conditions of service relating to its contributions to Canadian programming.  In that letter you made a procedural request seeking the public disclosure of certain information that Bell filed in confidence.  While you served this letter to Bell on 19 April 2024, the letter was only filed with the Commission on 1 May 2024.

On 19 April 2024, Bell provided a response to your request and filed it with the Commission.  While Bell agreed to disclose some of the information in your request it argued that, in accordance with subsection 25.3(1) of the Broadcasting Act, the remaining information should remain confidential. Bell submitted a revised abridged version of its application on 16 May 2024 in accordance with its 19 April 2024 response. The revised version of the application is now placed on the public record.

The Commission may disclose or require the disclosure of information that has been designated as confidential. We will seek public comment on your request and re-open the public record of Bell’s application. The public may only file additional comments on your request and Bell’s response provided on 19 April 2024. The timelines for this additional process will be:

For further information, you may contact Matteo Fotia by email at


Original signed by

Michael Craig
Director, Audio-visual programming and distribution

Distribution List

Jonathan Daniels, Bell Canada,

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