Undertaking: TELUS Communications Inc. (TELUS)

File No.: 1011-NOC2020-0269-2

Monetary value of undertaking: $600,000

Effective date of undertaking: 25 March 2023

Pursuant to section 72.006 of the Telecommunications Act (S.C. 1993, c. 38) (the Act), TELUS has voluntarily entered into an undertaking with respect to the non-compliance identified in Telecom Decision 2020-268

Commission staff (in its role as the designated person under section 72.004 of the Act) and TELUS have agreed that TELUS will commit an additional $600,000 to its Indigenous Communities Fund between April 2023 and December 2026. TELUS will contribute at least $100,000 of that amount per year. The agreement provides that in disbursing these funds TELUS will not give preferential treatment to projects based in its incumbent territory and will report annually in confidence to the designated person on their use.

This undertaking does not constitute a decision of the Commission in relation to Telecom Notice of Consultation 2020-269, and the Commission has not ruled on the merits of potential defences available to TELUS raised in that proceeding, including the defence of due diligence. However, this undertaking fully and completely resolves all outstanding issues with respect to the non-compliance identified in Telecom Decision 2020-268

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