Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Carol Ho (TELUS Communications Inc.)

Ottawa, 12 December 2023

Our reference: 8740-T46-202306597, 8740-T66-202306571


Carol Ho
Senior Regulatory Advisor
TELUS Communications Inc.
Floor 10
10020 100 St NW
Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 0N5

Subject: TARIFF NOTICE NO. 586 / 4415 Removal of Atlin Exchange

Dear Carol Ho:

On 1 December 2023, the Commission received two applications from TELUS Communications Inc. proposing changes to its General Tariff CRTC 21461 Item 130 — Access Rate Bands, Wire Centres / Rate Centres for Digital Services and Item 213 — Centrex Service, General Tariff CRTC 1005 Item 30 – Exchanges, and CRTC 1010 List of Rate Centres and Exchanges British Columbia.

Commission staff is analyzing the applications.

Consequently, these applications, along with any associated subsequent revisions, will not be approved on an interim basis on the 15th calendar day following receipt. However, the Commission intends to make its decision regarding the applications and any subsequent revisions within 45 business days of receipt of the filing.


Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation
Telecommunications Sector

c.c.: Emily Fraser, CRTC, (873)-353-6549,

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