Telecom - Staff Letter addressed Peggy Tabet (Québecor Media Inc.) and Philippe Gauvin (Bell Canada)

Ottawa, 26 September 2023

Reference(s): 8622-V3-202300416


Peggy Tabet
Vice President, Regulatory and Environmental Affairs
Québecor Media Inc.
612 Saint-Jacques Street
Montreal QC H3C 4M8

Philippe Gauvin
Avocat général adjoint
Bell Canada 160, rue Elgin, 19e étage
Ottawa (Ontario) K2P 2C4

Subject: Disclosure of information regarding Bell Mobility inc. (Bell) and Quebecor Media Inc. (Québecor) Final offer Arbitration (FOA) on MVNO rates

Dear Peggy Tabet and Philippe Gauvin,

Consistent with the 13 July 2023 conduct letter in this proceeding and Information Bulletin 2022-337, the Commission aims to ensure that both parties involved in a final offer arbitration (FOA), other carriers, and the public can adequately understand the Commission’s rationale and decisions.

To that effect Commission staff wishes to advise parties that it intends that the nature of the rate being decided in the current FOA be clearly identified in the upcoming decision as the ‘’data rate per GB’’, even though this information has been designated as confidential pursuant to section 39 of the Telecommunications Act.

The publication of such information is consistent with the content of the previous Commission decision on MVNO Access rates (Telecom Decision CRTC 2023-217).

Commission staff believes publication of this information will ensure greater transparency and clarity in an upcoming decision. Though this information has been designated as confidential by both parties, Commission staff is of the view that making public such important context information involving the FOA process is in the public interest.

Should parties wish to file representations concerning Commission staff’s intention to publish this information that has been designated as confidential, please file them with the Commission within 24 hours of reception of this letter.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Michel Murray
c.c., Philippe Nadeau, CRTC,

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