Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Carol Ho (TELUS Communications Inc.)

Ottawa, 7 August 2023

Our reference: 8740-T66-202300177


Carol Ho
TELUS Communications Inc.
510 West Georgia St, 7th floor
Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 0M3

Subject: TELUS Communications Inc. (TCI) – Tariff Notice (TN) 576 – Amendment to Support Structure Service

Dear Carol Ho:

On 16 January 2023, the Commission received an application from TCI proposing changes to its General Tariff, CRTC 21461, Item 404, Support Structure Service.

The Commission received interventions from Rogers Communications Canada Inc. (Rogers) and Shaw Cablesystems G.P. (Shaw), who filed jointly, and the Province of British Columbia, as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI), in relation with this tariff application.
On 27 February 2023, TCI filed reply comments.

On 5 May 2023, Commission staff required additional information from the parties in order to obtain a full and complete record.

Commission staff is continuing its analysis of the application and the responses provided by the parties.

The Commission intends to issue a final decision by the end of 2023.

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation

Cc: Julie Boisvert, CRTC, 819-953-2421,

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