Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Imran Khan (Northwestel Inc. )

Ottawa, 28 July 2023  



Imran Khan
Chief Financial Officer & Vice-President
Northwestel Inc.
10th Floor 5201 Franklin Ave #100
Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P1

RE: Northwestel Inc. Tariff Notice 1182 - Terrestrial Enterprise Internet Services – Procedural Request

Dear Imran Khan:

On 17 July 2023, Commission staff sent requests for information to Northwestel Inc. (Northwestel) in relation to Tariff Notice 1182, which proposed changes to Northwestel’s General Tariff CRTC 3001 – Item 1736 – Terrestrial Enterprise Internet Services, to modify the definition of “Reserved Internet Protocol” (Reserved IP) and the service description for Enterprise Performance Service. The deadline for filing responses was 31 July 2023.

On 26 July 2023, Northwestel submitted a request for an extension to the deadline to 11 August 2023 since several subject matter experts are absent during this two-week period. 

Given the circumstances, Commission staff agrees that a short extension is reasonable. As such, Northwestel is required to provide its responses to the requests for information by 11 August 2023

Yours sincerely,

Original signed by

Michel Murray
Director, Dispute Resolution and Regulatory Implementation

c.c.: Emily Fraser, CRTC, (873)-353-6549,

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