Telecom - Staff Letter addressed to Simon Lockie (Globalive)

Ottawa, 23 March 2023

Reference: 8622-G103-202301034


Simon Lockie
Chief Legal Officer
48 Yonge Street, Suite 1200
Toronto, On
M5E 1G6

Subject: Part 1 Application by Globalive Inc. to address the requirement for Just and Reasonable Rates required by Section 27(1) of the Telecommunications Act and Undue Preferences contrary to Section 27(2) of the Telecommunications Act for Mandated Wholesale Domestic Roaming

Dear Simon Lockie,

As you know, it is the Commission's practice not to duplicate proceedings, which is the reason for staff's letter, dated 3 March, 2023. In staff's view, two of the three orders sought by Globalive in its current application: to make interim the current wholesale domestic roaming tariff rates; and to require the national wireless carriers to file updated cost studies and proposed new tariffed rates; are already being dealt with in an application filed by Bragg Communications Inc. et al (Bragg).

In that application, it is staff's view that Bragg's requested relief is identical to that sought by Globalive, which is the rationale for staff not to give further consideration to Globalive's Part 1 application.

Globalive may of course file a new application seeking relief that is not duplicative of matters already before the Commission.

I note that Globalive did not file any comments in response to the Bragg Part 1 application in accordance with the established process. There is additional process currently underway in relation to this application, as set out in a Commission staff letter dated 16 March, 2023, attached. It is of course open to Globalive to apply to intervene.

Stephen Millington
Senior General Counsel and Executive Director

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